The Colors Of The Web


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
I am still scratching my head over how much data this author extrapolated just from the color scheme of the ten most popular websites. Some of you in web design or digital arts may find this interesting. maintains a list of the most visited sites on the internet. I wrote a PHP script to scrape the ten most popular sites and record all the colors used in the sites' home pages and style sheets. I plan to rescrape the data on a regular basis. Because of this, I'll keep analysis to a minimum, since it could become outdated when the data changes. Once I have data over a larger time period I'll be able to examine and graph trends in web development. I also plan to examine the difference in color usage between popular websites from different parts of the world.
Interesting that there is so much blue. I wonder if there's some underlying physiological reason/tendancy for designers to choose it. Blue is calming, so designers choose it more often or something like that? Anyway, this is pretty cool.
Haha, I don't have all that much time on my hands. I've been working on it in my free time for a while now.

Always good to see hypnotoad.

Yeah different cultures have different interpretations of color. Next I want to compare color choices between popular sites in different countries.