The Bitcoin market has crahed, get ready for a flood of cheap cards on eBay.

Yes.. I would walk away from that 911 in a heartbeat. Even if it was a Ferrari Enzo, I'd still walk away. I've seen plenty of twin turbo 911's with completely blown clutch and leaking engine parts that people try to unload on an unsuspecting buyers.

That's no his point, and you know it.
What does this have to do with video cards again?

Ever heard of scrypt mining? It's done pretty much all with GPU's, and mining affects GPU prices. But fuck, what does that have to do with GPU's.....
Youre the minority here. I see countless other people who push their cards to their absolute max full time for a few extra khash.

Maybe for bitcoin, but do you see this for litecoin? I don't know a ton about bitcoin, I never mined it, but I find litecoin and other scrypt currencies fascinating. Bitcoin, from what I've read, is all about cores and core speed, memory was always downclocked and undervolted while ramping the gpu up as much as possible. With litecoin mining it's more of a pump-the-memory-up-to-max-and-find-a-good-gpu-match.

I tested with both a 7870xt and a 270x, sending the 7870xt back because it was awful for scrypt. Its highest hashes were actually scored by underclocking its core to 838 or so mhz from 975 and its memory wouldn't go over 1500mhz. I got it up to abuot 383 or so kh/s. My 270x performs best at 1149/1500 which is a relatively small OC on both. Both cards were able to be undervolted The 7870xt could go down to sub 1V from 1.25V because its core speed was so low at max hashes, whereas I can only lower the voltage on the 270x by about 40mV. Still, both are underclocked, and the cooling solution on the 270x is so good that it stays around 57C.

Most scrypt miners undervolt, especially if they have a big farm, where the savings would be more pronounced.

PS: Whoever set the 7870XTs boost voltage to 1.25V had been smoking the crack pipe to long. Also, destroying the memory subsystem by going to 256bit really crushed that card in terms of mining. I was rooting for it the whole time too but @ 383kh/s vs. 485kh/s for similar power consumption and the latter having much better heat dissipation, it just didn't stand a chance.
Ever heard of scrypt mining? It's done pretty much all with GPU's, and mining affects GPU prices. But fuck, what does that have to do with GPU's.....

I was refering to the fact that every crypto coin thread in the video card forums get turned into a giant "omg it crashed lalws" thread and should probably be in the distributed computing subforum anyways.
If dogecoin becomes the 3rd biggest altcoin, I will lose my faith in humanity.
If dogecoin becomes the 3rd biggest altcoin, I will lose my faith in humanity.

I agree, but i dont see it happening. Whoever is pumping money into it will lose out because the miners are just selling what they mine -- and they are mining it pretty fast.
I agree, but i dont see it happening. Whoever is pumping money into it will lose out because the miners are just selling what they mine -- and they are mining it pretty fast.

It's like all the people thinking it will go to $1. If it did, its market cap would be larger than bitcoin and every single altcoin out there.
How many BTC are left to be mined? Seems like a large investment for a minimal return.
not wanting to do too much crypto coin searching at work, but doesn't the block reward drop again for BTC after a set point? I know it's at 25 now.

I've been mining a crap ton of SXC - even when converted at current exchange rates (to LTC) I'm still coming out ahead.

Even if it shoots up to 20 or 30 cents per SXC I'll be sitting pretty, and after reading some about Dogecoin.... damn it, I kinda want to mine some now, just for fun.
The currencies aren't going anywhere for a while, the value with always be unstable, enjoy the lowered difficulty for the time being and stock pile for now.
lowered difficulty??

we just had the largest difficulty jump in history by a good margin
Ahhh. Yeah, that shit is going through the roof.
So much for that flood of cheap cards LOL.

Well dont take anything that Prime1 says. He is Anti AMD in anyway shape or form.

Even if AMD gave you 1oz of free gold with a 290x. He would still find a way to downplay it.

Good to see AMD making money because of mining. What crash?
Well dont take anything that Prime1 says. He is Anti AMD in anyway shape or form.

Even if AMD gave you 1oz of free gold with a 290x. He would still find a way to downplay it.

Good to see AMD making money because of mining. What crash?

Not entirely sure AMD sees the excess money from these markups. If I had to guess, they are continuing to sell them at their normal pricing with the end retailer marking them up to capitalize. I could be wrong, but this is normally how it works. In the end, regardless of the price they are selling their cards to retailers for, they are moving product.
Dogecoin still the most profitable coin according to multipool. Once the pump and dump is over and there is any form of stability at even. .00001 doge/btc, you have a very nice profit % if you just mined them.
Dogecoin still the most profitable coin according to multipool. Once the pump and dump is over and there is any form of stability at even. .00001 doge/btc, you have a very nice profit % if you just mined them.

That is not a reasonable price for the quantity of coins being mined. Or the ease with which they are obtained.
get out of the btc-e trollbox

and yes, the used market is now full of 280x cards at normal price =D

7950s have not quiet normalized. Reference are ~250 on eBay sold listings, MSI and the like are 350ish. The guy that bought mine for 400 last week and is being delivered this must be a little disappointed regardless. Hopefully he does not try to ding me for a return on a no return item.
Dogecoin still the most profitable coin according to multipool. Once the pump and dump is over and there is any form of stability at even. .00001 doge/btc, you have a very nice profit % if you just mined them.

I'm skeptical of dogecoin, with that said I'm mining something right now that I'm skeptical of.
It is low because of the pump and dump, he is correct, it should increase now with them moving onto different coins.
My 2 biggest investments are my worst, go figure -.-. At least I am still at a profit overall.
Yes, Doge, for the last several days it has been getting flooded by the sites such as multipool which has the auto-sell when mining based off profitability.

I decided to give digital coin a shot, only because it had great value and it's difficult was low. Since the lows hit, no one's traded it for anything.
I don't think too many will unload their cards soon. If anything, this last bubble has taught miners to just keep it at even at break even profits per day, because selling during the bubbles is what really matters.

My daily profits are now less than 1/4 of what they were during the very peak. I expect about another half reduction of that (down to 1/8) before things finally settle for a few months.