The Best Video Game Shopping Advice Ever

Sports, racing and many RPG's ( not MMORPG's ) I believe are best on a console. FPS, RTS and MMORPG are best on a PC. Thats my opinion.

Price aside I'll say the same thing I always do in console vs PC gaming.

#1. Expandability.
--- Once you have a good PC platform, each new gaming generation is $200 - $300 away for a CPU and GPU upgrade to stomp a console. If you started with a good CPU like those lucky early adopters of the E6600 and especially Q6600, your upgrade is only $150 - $200 for a better gpu.

#2. Modability.
--- PC has long owned the console front in the ability to mod games and create and freely distribute new content. Sure there are downloadable maps and weapons n stuff for the X360 and PS3 but sometimes you have to pay for it when you can get the exact same thing on PC for free and my favourite example are the maps. literally hundreds of user made maps available for CoD4 and you only get a few on console.

How would racing games and RPGs be better on consoles? The controller is completely taken out of the equation since a PC can use any console controller, a PC can be just as easily hooked up to a TV, and a good gaming PC is significantly more powerful than a console. There is absolutely nothing that makes either better than the other for specific games (RTS aside) its all a matter of personal preference. Its completely bullshit to make a distinction for specific genres since the argument is easily killed (again, RTS aside) and just serves to try to make an entirely personal decision into some kind of situation that can be easily defined in objective terms.
your wrong consoles sucks for all games, PCs rule wait.. crap wrong arguement. ;)

agree each have their place, and yes games are easier to modify for the pc. I myself have a wii, xbox360 and PC for gaming and use all of them and do like the freedom i have on some pc games that is lost on the console versions. One flaw with your and other's people thought, and maybe mine for not clearifying myself better in my comment. Is that us and the average joe is different. WE can upgrade a video card or toss in some more memory and be fine in some cases. WE might have a decent pc before to start with and not have to worry much. But the average joe wouldn't fit that category. They would have to go out and buy a new PC, they would need to buy a higher end pc than the $300 walmart black friday special one that most of them probably have. So for them it will be $600 every few years to keep up with decent hardware to play games at ok settings. I know that i myself have spent about $2500+ on hardware and OSs since mid 2005. My xbox only cost me $350. My sig is behind and that is actually my older hardware that i purchased back in 05 with a few upgrades having been done. since then i upgraded to a AMD 9950 quad core, 4 GB ram, but still have the 8800 GTS. Need to ugprade that as while i am able to play the games i own ok, i can't play them all on high settings, but i'm waiting for elder scrolls V to come out and then will ugprade then.

Saying shitload of money might have been an exageration, but still it will cost more for the average joe to upgrade their computer over and over again during a lifetime of a console, and even for some of us if you want to keep up with the best graphics all the time, to be able to play any and all games that come out than it would for them to buy a console then keep that for the 6 - 8+ years life span that it would have.

Exactly!! The average consumer will be a PC off the shelf and will never upgrade it, never install new drivers, never update the anti-virus software that came free with it. Then in a few years time when the PC has become so slow it is unusable and they haven't got an IT friend to help them, they will run out and buy another new PC. Simples :)
I personally have spent over £1500 on my rig (not including the cost of my 30" monitor). I vowed to leave the PC arms race but when the latest shiny new graphics cards comes out or the newest multi-core CPU hits the shops, the nerd in me says "Go, on treat yourself, you work hard for your money, go spend some, just don't let the wife know how much you are spending" :D
I have two ATI 5780 in crossfire with an overclocked i7 920 but guess what the last game I played on my PC? Bloody Airport Mania, a time management game which is also on iPhone and iPad. Its like having using Supercar to collect the kids from school and driving at 20mph all the way. :D
Fighting game=PC with game controller

I have a good guide on buying console and PC games as well, if there is no demo released prior to the full game hitting the shelves, then it's either shite, or not worth buying.
You don't really need top of the line hardware to play new games either. I was using a pair of EVGA 320mb 8800GTs's until a couple months ago. I could still be using them, but I wanted to drop down to a single card to save on power and keep temperatures down. I have a friend that is still using a single EVGA 320mb 8800gts, and he hasn't found a game that he can't play. You also have to remember that a PC can be used for a lot more than just playing games. Most people have a PC anyway, throw a $150 graphics card in it and you are good to go.
My $40 video card plays COD: Black Ops at 1920x1080 at full resolution and 2X AA settings with a frame rate that's provides an enjoyable experience. You certainly don't need top of the line hardware to play new games.
Worst advice considering no one said why which was what he asked.

Right, except it was honestly joke considering few user on that forum have answered more than 3 times saying PC (i saw 2 user there may be more)

Best advice I have seen. PC is better than anything. Period.

Right, but world is full of stubborn people and you can't always force them to do right thing more make them do what you think is right

Nothing "wrong" with consoles. I still prefer the PS1 version of Doom and Final Doom due to their sound FX and superb musical soundtrack and its easier to have some buddies over, have a few beers and play some Madden on a console.

I still love my old video game with those cassets type games (left that in India in 2000 i think it was manufactured by samsung can't remember now), super contra was best game of me growing up, yes it's outdated but the fun you have at a time is always priceless. Hack, i've kept laptop running xp just so i can play few old games that windows 7 can't play now (yes tried almost everything including compability mode and still fails).

I spend less. On average, I pay about $24.99 per game I buy. Your typical console gamer spends $50-60 per title. After a dozen games, I've "saved" enough to pay for the hardware to play them. We won't talk about costs of an HDTV.

not to mentioned you can download majority of game demos and have more future than on console demos and save more if you don't like the game.

also i might add lot of people pirate the game which is also lot easier for PC than for console (i have quit playing games on all but have been around on forums) and of course not to mentioned you NEED PC to burn that pirated game. and basic pc capable of doing that will cost you least $400 from manufacture which will be chipest.