The best place to get Acrylic (sheets)


Sep 26, 2001
What are some of the best place to get Acrylic (sheets)windows for monitor screen..

I want to replace a 15" CRT monitor tube with it..

Ive tried various searches and all I get a get back are for Acrylic cases & case windows

I know if I get a regular side window kit it would be "too small" anyways It would not fit properly, because the monitor has a curved face..

All help would be appeciated :)
If you live within a glass cutting place, I'm sure they have some scrap pieces of acrylic they have cut. These places don't only cut glass but they cut acrylic also.

I'll see if I have a sheet laying around, just private message me for the size and I will get back to you.

P.S. To all people viewing this thread, don't come to me for getting sheets of acrylic, I have what I have and thats it.
Don't rule out outdoor sign makers. I often get scraps of plexi or lexan for either cheap or free. Most people don't even think about places like that. Think about it, most outdoor signs are made with aluminum and acrylic nowadays., just my $0.02... :cool:

I'd say go to a store like the Home Depot - from the door's and windows department I got a 18"x24"x0.230" piece of acrylic sheet for $10, and they have bigger pieces that are thinner. I can't see it being too small, nor too expensive compaired to online shops - shipping alone on a cheap piece would bring it over $10. Places that deal with this stuff typically have minimum amounts of cash you have to spend per order anyways.
Sounds good, thanks guys.. :D I'll check Home Depot / Lowes...

This going to be a nice fall / winter project :p