The best place to buy Xbox 360 from?

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mista ting

Apr 13, 2006
I'm about to buy 360 premium just wondering whats the best place to buy it from? i see newegg don't offer any extended warentee
Wrong place for this really but anyhow,

Remember that the 360s now come with 1 year warranties so do not get scammed into a 1 year extended warranty as they already come with one!

I would say BB, Target, etc. I like buying consoles at retail so if you do have an issue in the first little bit you can just go and return it. Nice thing about online though is no tax (at least at some stores, I still get hit with tax from dell :( )
off topic but i wont have enough for a game but can i download demos for free with xbox live gold membership?
Just remember the Elite version is coming out at the end of the month might be worth it to wait till it's released.
No I believe the MSRP is 479 (perhaps 469) for HDMI and a 120gb hard drive. However you may be able to get a deal or two on the premium when the elite is released as it ought to drive down prices.
From what I have gathered this is how the replacement plans work at the big boxes:

BBuy: replace your broken unit with a refurb, repeat. (good for 2 years)

CCity: you have to mail your unit to a 3rd party shop, where if they determine your unit is unfixable, they snail mail you a gift card for a new one. (this may be good if you plan to upgrade to an elite from a prem down the road.) (good for 2 years)

Gamestop: only 1 year past the purchase date, they will replace your unit with a brand new unit from a sealed box.

with the advent of the elite and stuff, I would look into the ccity deal. however ccity pissed me off with laying off 3k+ employees last month.
Sams Club!!! I bought mine Dec. 05 and it stopped working in Feb. 07. Took it back and they let me swap my Hard Drive so I didn't lose any of the content.

Instructions/FAQ/Deal Sites/Links


*Originally Posted by ScubaSteve*

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