The best overlooked games of 2008


[H]F Junkie
Oct 24, 2007
What do you guys think? For me, it has to be Frontlines FOW. I know it got some press at release but when the reviews started coming out and giving it a 7 or 8, it kind of got lost in the shuffle.

To me, it is probably my favorite realistic war type shooter. The controls are tight, the gameplay itself is fun, and most people online now are good guys to play with.

What's your favorite overlooked game of 2008?
Overlooked? Uncharted but that was 2007 I think?

Penumbra black plague but may also be to old.
Valkyria Chronicles

This thread and the PS3 GOTY thread is the 1st time I have ever heard of it.
Just fired up some gameplay videos on youtube. Looks interesting, not my thing, but I may pick it up in the bargin bin if I ever see it.
I honestly think the "Disney Interactive" logo kept Pure from selling as well as it could have. It's really a solid game.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia didn't get a whole lot of love from what I gathered. I couldn't put it down. Was the first Castlevania I really liked since SOTN.

The World Ends With You / It's A Wonderful World: This game did some really cool things with game mechanics. You gain experience when you're not playing, you have 3/4 different ways of adjusting your difficulty on the fly, etc. Set in modern japan with a pretty cool soundtraack, and I'm not into the j-pop thing. It's an odd title for sure, but if you like JRPGs and want a different take on the genre check this out. YOU WEAR DIFFERNT BRANDS OF CLOTHES TO GET STAT BONUSES FOR HEAVENS SAKE!
Apparently Mirror's Edge isn't selling well.

Overall, its not a great game. But it is a good game. Has some very redeeming qualities and can be pretty sublime, especially if you like the aesthetic. Definitely has some potential for growth in future titles if EA decides to pursue the idea further.

That upcoming DLC looks damn hot!
judging by sales maybe little big planet ?

I don't think it's overlooked at all considering all they hype that was surrounding the game. Maybe people just aren't interested in making their own stuff? I know there's supposedly a pretty good platform game with it but personally there hasn't been anything that I'd buy LBP for. I'm not sure if I can resist all those sackboy costumes though. :rolleyes:
I don't think it's overlooked at all considering all they hype that was surrounding the game. Maybe people just aren't interested in making their own stuff? I know there's supposedly a pretty good platform game with it but personally there hasn't been anything that I'd buy LBP for. I'm not sure if I can resist all those sackboy costumes though. :rolleyes:

yeah you're probably right, maybe not overlooked just not very interesting to the general audience.
I've heard that before. May have to give that one a shot.

Do it, very good game. Get it for a console though, because I heard PC version is a little bit meh for some various reasons. I have only played 2 hours of it since launch, but that is because I got it around the same time as a lot of other games were coming out that I was more interested in.
I wish it would get trophies though. :(
I don't think it's overlooked at all considering all they hype that was surrounding the game. Maybe people just aren't interested in making their own stuff? I know there's supposedly a pretty good platform game with it but personally there hasn't been anything that I'd buy LBP for. I'm not sure if I can resist all those sackboy costumes though. :rolleyes:

From what I've seen of it LBP looks to be a PC game trapped on a console. Kinda reminds me of a "tweener" type game too. Probably a bit too complicated for kids to get into and too childish or silly for grown ups to get into. That's just my 2 cents.

With that being said, I think its a pretty cool game.
what do you do in little big planet ? like what is the point of the game ?
PURE just plain old fun!!!! Also love threads like this it gives me insight into games I may have passed by.
Bad Company I'd say, not seen it talked about much but, for the PS3 at least, I'd say its one of the best fps. I think CoD4 can get most of the blame for that tho, even tho BC is a better game IMO.
Jack Keane (got it on the PC but surely available on the console ?)

Good old point and clic adventure game, good story, characters, humour, etc..
Dead space. It sold okay but not nearly as much as I think it should. Very good game.
Dead space. It sold okay but not nearly as much as I think it should. Very good game.

Everyone I talk to has never heard of it, but I show them the trailers and they love it.

Its my GOTY and easily the best game I played in years. In a market flooded with crappy games, Dead Space was a refreshingly excellent horror game. I give it a 10/10
God of war on the PSP, it holds up to the series, and its a very good solid game.
I don't think LBP was overlooked, it had plenty of hype. It was just on the wrong platform. Level designing and creating is popular on the PC not on consoles. It's also a little too cute, which would have been more popular on the Wii.