The Age Old Question..


Jun 11, 2003
I know everyone keeps asking this.. and usually i pass these threads by with a simple "oh look, someone else is asking..".. but im in a corner and i have to. (and i have a feeling this will be a long post, sorry :p)

PS3 or 360. No. Really. Please no fanboy talk or bullshit. Hear me out and give me your opinion based on your experiences/thoughts :)

I'm a college student. I will be getting a new laptop by around February. I plan on getting a 15 inch with a good video card, dual core processor, 4gb RAM, yadda yadda. There are plenty of PC games i am looking forward to playing [that I currently cant play due to my system or due to them not being out yet]. These games include:
  • Starcraft II
  • Diablo III
  • Spore
  • Age of Conan

I just got a new HDTV. 26 inch 720P. My brother has a 360 and ive been playing Call of Duty 4 and loving it. I go back to school in August and i know im going to be itching to play some games. Simple fact is right now i can not dip 1200 into a new laptop. Come Feb after working and Christmas money, I will.

I work at Best Buy and get good discounts on shit. Systems we generally do not get good discounts on, yet we have this new program.. basically, i will be able to get a 20gb 360 without HDMI for 200, a 40gb PS3 for ~240, or a 80gb PS3 for ~300. Or of course the systems new for 100 more on any of them.

Anyway, a ton of my friends are bugging me to get a 360 and play GTAIV and other games with them. In my head, here are the Pros for getting a 360
Pros to 360
-Thriving Online Community
-Friends all play 360
-a bit cheaper
-Netflix Streaming
-I <3 the 360 Controller. Absolutely in love with it.

But.. i see these as my Cons..
Cons to 360
-Live = $$$
-Red Ring of Death & the Hastle of it possibly happening
and.. one of my major ones
-It seems that many of 360 games are available for PC!
Maybe im wrong on that last one.. but thats one of the biggest things stopping me from buying a 360. I feel like all of the games are out for PC and for less, and eventually i would be able to get them..

And then theres the PS3.. i see my pros as being
Pros to PS3
-Exclusives not on 360 or PC (MAG looks sick even though we know nothing about it, ive played heavenly sword and loved it, MGS4, etc)
-Blu-Ray.. not something i really want right now but good for ahead
-More reliable (No RRoD!)

and my cons..
Cons of PS3
-None of my friends play it
-Online community lacking and unreliable (or so i hear.. a few people at work constantly complaining about disconnects)
-Not a gigantic fan of the controller.. ive owned a PS2 and PS1 before, yet after ive been playing with the 360 controller ive fallen in love with it

Im torn. I have no friggen idea what to do. My main reason for wanting a system is to play online.. but then ive been looking into PS3 and i see a bunch of great single player games.. ahh man i dont know haha.. any tips would be great.

Thanks guy.
remember that Home will be coming out for the PS3. I personally don't care about online community on a console, I just play games. on PC is where online communities should be.

MGS4 is a good reason to get a PS3, it's a game that after you beat it, you'll be grateful that you experienced it in your gaming career and you'll feel sorry for people who haven't gone through it.

and peace of mind is valuable to me, that was one of the reasons I got a PS3.
you forgot the following Xbox 360 con on the model you're buying:

- No HDMI input

I was a part of this debate too... but the Blu-ray player sealed the deal for me. Having Netflix with Blu-ray is absolutely amazing, and we just stream Netflix to our laptop which we connect to our TV (if you want an alternative to streaming to your Xbox 360).

you forgot the following Xbox 360 con on the model you're buying:

- No HDMI input
All 360s have HDMI now.

Anyway... these threads are particularly tiring. Look at the games you want on both system, see what features they have that interest you and decide. You're not buying a 20k car. You're buying a $400 console. It's not a life changing decision.

If it's really that hard, spend all the time you were going to spend researching the purchase working... and buy both.
It sounds like you should make a list of console titles you are interested in. If the 360 list is bigger go with the 360. If your friends play on the 360 that's a HUGE plus.

I have both systems (bought a PS3 for MGS4) and there is a ton of awesome stuff coming to it as well. The PSN stuff coming out looks awesome and blows Xbox Live Arcade out of the water for original content.

In the end it really boils down to the games and experiences you can have with them. Some of my favorite games have come out on 360 this generation but they also came to PC later on. (Mass Effect, Overlord, etc.)
I have owned both consoles, I owned a launch model and never had red rings of death problem. HDMI is no big deal, just use VGA cables or component for the 360, in no way should hdmi be a 'selling point' probably the LARGEST reason i do not own my 360 anymore, was the online community.ALL KIDS and i cant STAND their voices and the useless drabble they have to talk about CONSTANTLY. with the ps3 however, almost nobody talks, they just play and thats what i like.

The blue ray alone was the seller for me. I dont know what you have against the controller, its pretty much the exact same button layout, just the structure is a little different. Im in Alaska, and i so far havnt been disconnected from anything...

360 games on PC, all ports, nothing more... AKA CRAP PS3 exclusives seem to be dieing off anyways.

Personally, i LOVE my ps3, just for the fact of blue ray and the QUALITY of the games put out. When i had a 360, it seems they thrived on the quantity of games. I feel every FPS i played, even though they had different titles seemed like the same game.
I own a 60gig PS3 and a 360 and I can honestly say I would purchase the PS3 first just to experience MGS4 cause it's that good and the best arguably you'll find on the 360 is gears and MGS4 is about 5 levels above it as far as quility goes. And this is coming from someone who hasn't even played all of the MG games.

And SoulCalibur 4 (with Vader) comes out next week and that's also a +. And the Blu factor and if you own alot of DVD's the PS3's upscaling is one of the best there is.
Get the 360-- playing online with people you physically know is awesome.

x2...I had a 360 and sold due to no time to play between PC and PS3, seriously only so much gaming one can do with work and other hobbies.

I love my ps3 and love MGS4, BF Bad Company and GTA 4, but in all honesty get the 360, more of your friends have and it will be more fun currently.(I believe the RROD issue is far less now with the new tech/build)

I see the ps3 system staying around longer much like the ps2...Microsoft will release a new system shortly to keep attention on itself, either way gotta congratulate both on awesome entertainment!
If you're going to get the 360 then wait for the 60GB model at least. You'll probably be kicking yourself when the installation feature comes around and you only have the 20GB.
I own both systems as well. If your really into online gaming, then the 360 has got to be your choice. XBL is leaps and bounds better than what the PS3 has to offer. However PS3 has MGS4 and that game is absolutley sick.........


Mass Effect was THE BEST gaming experience that I have ever had, after I beat the game I acctually felt like I really accomplished something special.

To all others, if you have not played Mass Effect, do your self a favor and play it. It is reason enough to buy a 360. Yes, I know its on the PC, but from everything I have heard, its not as good as the 360 version. Play Mass Effect, you will be gald you did.
my friend has a ps3, i have a 360. when we want to play games co-op, we just bring one console to the other's house, or i go over to his, etc.

if your situation is that you can easily move a console back and forth, then get the ps3 to play your games. if you're going to be going off to college by yourself then get a 360 so you can play online w/ your buddies back home.

really though go with the games. if there are more games you want to play for one console instead of the other...well there you go
I have both, and based on what you have posted the 360 is a complete no brainer. Xbl isn't that expensive, hell you can find the 12mo cards for cheap nowadays. You love the controller and all your friends already have one, so why bother getting a console where you can only play with strangers? The 360's on the market today are much more reliable than the older models so I really wouldn't worry too much about that either.

Get the 360.
Just wait. It doesn't hurt to wait if you don't know which one to get. If anything, you will get the consoles for cheaper possibly. That's my opinion.
IMO, the online community in the PC world is a LOT better. Also, I do agree with you, the PS3 controller is a joke. The PS3 does have some nice exclusives, but not really that many to buy the console alone for to be honest. It is lacking RPGs... I'd say get a good laptop and 360, but that's me. The only thing I want a PS3 for is to play blu-rays, which are the shit!
All 360s have HDMI now.

Anyway... these threads are particularly tiring. Look at the games you want on both system, see what features they have that interest you and decide. You're not buying a 20k car. You're buying a $400 console. It's not a life changing decision.

If it's really that hard, spend all the time you were going to spend researching the purchase working... and buy both.

Perspective, bro. I work at Best Buy. I am a college student. I have loans and bills and insurance payments. I don't make 60k a year. I can't buy both. And to me this is like buying a 20k car. This is a luxary item for me and im trying to pick the best of my options. For you it may not think twice. But to someone who values when scrapes up extra cash, i think about what im about to spend that money on.
my friend has a ps3, i have a 360. when we want to play games co-op, we just bring one console to the other's house, or i go over to his, etc.

if your situation is that you can easily move a console back and forth, then get the ps3 to play your games. if you're going to be going off to college by yourself then get a 360 so you can play online w/ your buddies back home.

really though go with the games. if there are more games you want to play for one console instead of the other...well there you go
Most my friends go to different colleges than i do. we wont always have this option.. thanks though :)

I have both, and based on what you have posted the 360 is a complete no brainer. Xbl isn't that expensive, hell you can find the 12mo cards for cheap nowadays. You love the controller and all your friends already have one, so why bother getting a console where you can only play with strangers? The 360's on the market today are much more reliable than the older models so I really wouldn't worry too much about that either.

Get the 360.
I think this is what im leaning towards....

Just wait. It doesn't hurt to wait if you don't know which one to get. If anything, you will get the consoles for cheaper possibly. That's my opinion.
But i think you knocked some sense into me Neo.. i may wait it out a bit longer to think about it.. i was thinking of getting one this week, but damn its not as easy as i thought it would be

thanks everyone.
Well I own a PS3 and I dont want a 360. The 360 makes no sense to me. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO ME.

From you list of pros and cons it is clear to me you should get a 360 for sure.

your con list:

Live = $$$ This is a very good point but the amount of money we are talking about is not prohibitive.
RRod. This is not such an issue with new machines any more. I really wouldn't worry about it.
Games can be purchased on the PC format. This should not even matter to you since you said you cannot afford a computer that is actually capable of running those same games.

As for the list of Pros for the 360 they are all very compelling reasons to buy. I know I bought my PS3 for the reasons that I felt suited my needs best. The 360 seems to be the way to go for you though.
I have both, and based on what you have posted the 360 is a complete no brainer. Xbl isn't that expensive, hell you can find the 12mo cards for cheap nowadays. You love the controller and all your friends already have one, so why bother getting a console where you can only play with strangers? The 360's on the market today are much more reliable than the older models so I really wouldn't worry too much about that either.

Get the 360.

QFT. I would try to get a model with a larger HDD though. For the new install feature if nothing else. The 14 GB that is usable off the 20 GB may not go too far...
But i think you knocked some sense into me Neo.. i may wait it out a bit longer to think about it.. i was thinking of getting one this week, but damn its not as easy as i thought it would be

The 60GB model Xbox is suppose to come out Aug 4, so I'd wait until at least then to make a decision. They're rumored to be the Jasper model, which should mean less power-consumption, less heat, and less noise.
Perspective, bro. I work at Best Buy. I am a college student. I have loans and bills and insurance payments. I don't make 60k a year. I can't buy both. And to me this is like buying a 20k car. This is a luxary item for me and im trying to pick the best of my options. For you it may not think twice. But to someone who values when scrapes up extra cash, i think about what im about to spend that money on.

Well, given this, which console will give you the biggest bang for your buck? Which will have a longer console life? Which has better features? You're buying a HDTV, albeit small, don't you want to eventually enjoy bluray? If so, why pay twice for something you can get in one system? Though, I don't know what kind of discount you get on stand alone blu-ray players.

I don't get the whole "playing with real life friends online" thing. Yeah, its fun, but I don't see how its the main factor in considering a console. If they are local people, go over their apartments and play them there. I think playing with someone you met online on a constant basis is just as fun. Not to mention, I'm sure all your friends have PCs and most game on those, so you can play them online through the PC. Not to mention, I could have swore somewhere that Microsoft 'unlocked the gate' betwee PC and Xbox, allowing certain games to allow both system users to play together.

Look at clans, people who never met eachother in real life play constantly, and sometimes then have real life get togethers. Look at online as a chance to make new friends in places you otherwise wouldn't.
So all your friends play the 360 and none of them have a PS3 and you're wondering which system to get? :confused:

The answer is clear.

Look at my sig, you can see my setup and I play my 360 more then my PC. Actually, haven't played a pc game in almost 4 months :(
I don't get the whole "playing with real life friends online" thing.

So instead of playing your games with your friends, you suggest giving that up to isolate yourself and play with strangers at best? How about when all of your friends are raving about that game they're all playing ... you sit there on your console alone, wondering if you bought the wrong system.

Not everyone is a social gamer, but when someone says thats a big part of why they purchase a system.. ITS A BIG PART. In reference to your Blu Ray comment.. I do not own a PS3 but I enjoy my share of HD movie content... how? Digital downloads.

Blu Ray, or any other physical media for that matter is a waste of time and IMO is going to be largely skipped by the general public. Who in their right mind is going to start replacing their library of DVDs with expensive Blu Ray drives and movies? Perhaps the early adopters and hardcore... but realistically by the time most people get used to HD content and want to leap into HD movies, Digital downloads are going to be the easiest method. Major ISPs are already offering this type of solution with newer HD recievers, its as easy as 1, 2, download.

I look at Blu Ray as I would another next gen storage for music would have been. "But we can hold 2000 songs on one CD!" Nobody would have cared (and by nobody I mean the general public) because Napster was already around. iPods, Zunes, and downloading music is common now. My grandmother has one for Christ's sake.

Movies are going to follow suite. Blu Ray is here and its nice, but one does not have to adopt that format to enjoy HD movies. I've been watching HD movies on my 360 and other devices for almost 3 years now.

That arguement is purely subjective and only time will tell how well that format will do. For the time being, as a gamer.. Blu Ray should have little to no influence on your decision unless you're interested in a Blu Ray player that also has games that run on it. Buy the console that has the games you want, and the features. If social gaming is of importance, clearly pick he system your friends are on.
Not everyone is a social gamer, but when someone says thats a big part of why they purchase a system.. ITS A BIG PART. In reference to your Blu Ray comment.. I do not own a PS3 but I enjoy my share of HD movie content... how? Digital downloads.

And you have the internet connection and hard drive space to download several 25gb movies? Digital downloads is several years off. And no one is forcing you to rebuy/double dip. With all the upscaling players, people can simply buy new movies on BluRay.
I'm gonna toss my vote in for the 360..

PS2 emulation on the PC is getting ALOT better.

Live is.... well... good

Xbox be stealin' teh ps3 exclusives. FFXIII was a shocker

only reason I'd want a PS3 at this point is for the new Level-5 games. god I hope they're xbox as well :)
I have both, and I like my PS3 better, but in your case I would say go 360 since it's what your friends have.
i have neither console, nor do i really want one. however i feel some input is needed:

HDD means all. you can EASILY mod/hack/whatever any size or speed HDD into both PS3 and xbox360 for cheaper than the difference in the models.

who gives a shit about HDMI cables included in the box? i bought a cheap new one from amazon marketplace for $3. shipped. 3 f'ing dollars. i have more change in my couch. sure it's not some over-priced monster POS, but who cares? the difference at 1080p on a sub-50" display is negligible, let alone a 26" 720...

also it is true that most xbox games are or will be available on PC. not sure if thats a good thing or not, but it's truth. and yes CoD4 still sucks on PC.
I'll throw in with a 360 vote.

HDMI is not relevant for a 26" 720p HDTV, so that shouldn't be a concern whether it has it or not.

However, with all the new features coming to the 360, you should wait and get a 60gb or 120gb model, both of which will have HDMI, which invalidates point 1 anyway.

If your friends play online with the 360 that alone should make the decision for you. The only thing I've used my PS3 for is blu ray and Media Center capabilities.
So instead of playing your games with your friends, you suggest giving that up to isolate yourself and play with strangers at best? How about when all of your friends are raving about that game they're all playing ... you sit there on your console alone, wondering if you bought the wrong system.

Not everyone is a social gamer, but when someone says thats a big part of why they purchase a system.. ITS A BIG PART. In reference to your Blu Ray comment.. I do not own a PS3 but I enjoy my share of HD movie content... how? Digital downloads.

Blu Ray, or any other physical media for that matter is a waste of time and IMO is going to be largely skipped by the general public. Who in their right mind is going to start replacing their library of DVDs with expensive Blu Ray drives and movies? Perhaps the early adopters and hardcore... but realistically by the time most people get used to HD content and want to leap into HD movies, Digital downloads are going to be the easiest method. Major ISPs are already offering this type of solution with newer HD recievers, its as easy as 1, 2, download.

I look at Blu Ray as I would another next gen storage for music would have been. "But we can hold 2000 songs on one CD!" Nobody would have cared (and by nobody I mean the general public) because Napster was already around. iPods, Zunes, and downloading music is common now. My grandmother has one for Christ's sake.

Movies are going to follow suite. Blu Ray is here and its nice, but one does not have to adopt that format to enjoy HD movies. I've been watching HD movies on my 360 and other devices for almost 3 years now.

That arguement is purely subjective and only time will tell how well that format will do. For the time being, as a gamer.. Blu Ray should have little to no influence on your decision unless you're interested in a Blu Ray player that also has games that run on it. Buy the console that has the games you want, and the features. If social gaming is of importance, clearly pick he system your friends are on.

Digital downloads are nice, but you want to talk about the general public? Not everyone in the US/world even has the internet... and of those who do have internet, not all of them have broadband. On top of all that? Not every country has "unlimited downloading" like the USA. Other countries get bandwidth caps, or have to pay-per-use for how much they download.

Also of those that have broadband, not all choose to have a digital copy. Some rather have a hard copy... some people like the packaging, pamphlets, posters, bonus content or that 2nd disc.

I'm not going to disagree that BR movies are expensive. But so were DVD's when they were first introduced. As new movies get released and the catalog grows, older BR movies will get reduced in price or have sales. The more mainstream it becomes, prices will mostly come down to remain competitive.