The 25 Worst High-Tech Habits

Ive never used a password manager because Im afraid to trust a program with any of my passwords. What do you guys prefer?

Like others mentioned here before in similar topics... Use what you have, your brain. 2 or 3 random words, with a number on the end is usually enough. If you want to really make it complex, just add some $@*&!* symbols and capitalize.

I recommend not using those programs as well.... but that's just me.
Like others mentioned here before in similar topics... Use what you have, your brain. 2 or 3 random words, with a number on the end is usually enough. If you want to really make it complex, just add some $@*&!* symbols and capitalize.

I recommend not using those programs as well.... but that's just me.

i've got 2 bank accounts, 1 mortgage, 3 different credit cards, 3 e-mail accounts (1 spam account 1 personal and 1 work) and a paypal account. All with different password requirements. The last part really annoys me...i can't have special characters in my fucking bank of america e-mail account password is more secure than my fucking bank account? :rolleyes:

millions of people use roboform...
I like lastpass. works with pretty much any modern browser via plugin or javascript. It's the first thing I install on my machine.
1. Avoiding Security Software
- Of course I avoid stupid, useless bloatware such as AV software. The point is not to try as hard as you can to never get a virus. I can hold on without getting one for a few months. The point is to re-install Windows every 3-6 months for a multitude of other reasons.

2. Failing to Back Up Your Computer
- I guess these guys have never heard of RAID 5. Right, I'm supposed to back-up 10TB+ of data - I'll get right on that.

3. Neglecting Offsite Backup
- While I support backing up documents and other important small files in multiple locations.. A thief broke into my house and stole both my laptop and the cheap little drive I use to back up my documents? Did you also steal the thumb pen I back up the files from the drive onto? What about the SD card I use to back up the files off of...

4. Replying to Spam
- I'm sorry is this called "Worst habit of people who don't know high-tech"? Replying to SPAM? Are you fucking kidding me? There's nothing else I can say.. nicely.

5. Traveling With an Operating Computer
- What the.. fuck? Okay, I'm not going to discuss WHY someone would go out of their house with a running laptop. I'm going to discuss HOW they could. The article literally anticipates a person wielding an OPEN laptop through the subway and all the way home. Who in their right mind is going to travel with their laptop OPEN? Once you close the lid, the hard drives get turned off. Jesus, these people are dumb.

6. Using a Laptop on a Bed
- What?! Okay, so the article assumes that a person would sit down on their bed, cover themselves with the absolute thickest blanket ever made.. and then.. literally DROWN the laptop in it, covering the ventilation ports on the sides or the back. How.. the hell.. could I use my laptop if it's literally inside a blanket to the extent that it is covered by it on all sides? Ridiculous.

7. Printing Everything
- Okay, I don't know where you live, but in my world, here in Manhattan, no one accepts a digital signature. That being said, I don't know a single person who prints more than their fair share of holiday 4x6's to place in a photo album. This article thinks they know you.

8. Taking a Camera to the Beach
- WHAT?! Have these people not heard of a CAMERA BAG?
They literally ask you not to bring your camera to the beach because they think you'll just have to put it somewhere.. and there's just so much cushiony sand lying around.. It's like the author of this article is my uptight aunt who can't fathom someone performing an intelligent act. This article is treating us like retarded children!

9. Leaving a Laptop in the Car
- Oh MY god.. the article has now gone into a paranoid delusion. They insist that.. if you wear nice clothing there simply HAS to be a crooked man, most likely covered in shade, who will stake out your car until you leave and then break your window and steal your laptop. And if you put it in the trunk? HE'LL FOLLOW YOU AROUND TOWN.. so that he can pop that trunk open and steal your laptop.
Apparently, laptops aren't computers.. they're homeless-people transponders.

10. Keeping All of Your E-Mail
- *Points to search bar in Gmail, then walks out quietly*

11. Failing to Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
- This is 2010 - who needs/doesn't know keyboard shortcuts?

12. Installing Too Much Junk
- Was this written in 2001? What kind of present-day CPU is going to be bothered by tool bars? When I had my P3 667Mhz and 512MB of RAM.. yeah, I can understand.. but a cheap-o i5 2GB computer.. no.

13. Discarding Receipts
- Or.. just buy from a place that can pull up a receipt from your credit card purchase.

14. Waiting in Line for Tech Stuff
- Oh, great. Now they're assuming we're children who stake out in front of Best Buy for the next console. Then they tell us to wait 24 hours because it will still be just as fun.
Hah. Wow, we had no idea. Maybe it was the waiting outside for it that was the fun part?

15. Hitting Your Computer
- Okay, who the hell gets physical with their computer parts?
The last time that happened, computers had 56k connections and couldn't run anything.
And the last time that happened to me, was 8 years ago when I spilled water all over my new expensive gaming keyboard and all I did was just throw it on the floor. God.

16. Saving Files Anywhere and Everywhere
- Who the hell gets physical bills anymore?

17. Checking in With Location-Based Services
- Haha. You can't possibly stop teenagers from twitting that they're at their friend FoShiz'z house.

18. Citing Wikipedia
- Stupid old people. Wikipedia is not something you cite.. it's a pool of public knowledge you can place into your personal banks of data to prove something when it makes sense.. not something you literally copy every word from.

19. Posting Hilarious Pictures Online
- Again, you can't stop drunk people from being hilarious.

20. Believing the Salesperson
- Oh thank god. Something smart. Yes, never trust people trained by Best Buy.. even when they're not in the store.

21. Ignoring the Specs
- Okay, so you're either not knowledged enough to understand specs, or you're insulted by the idea that you'd buy the most expensive product out there.

22. Using One Password for Everything
- Absurd! At best, one could use three passwords and then.. oh look, a third of the websites I use are now hacked and gone.. I wonder if one of them was Paypal? No? Thank god.. my bank account? Oh shit.

23. Not Having a Disposable E-Mail Address
-WHAT?! Gmail is a disposable e-mail address? Bull-fricking-shit.
Gmail is your MAIN e-mail address. Yahoo can be your disposable. Or you can get a temporary e-mail address, which is best.

24. Failing to Lock Your Smartphone
- Or.. conversely, he could just return it to you. No, I'm sorry, he has to be the anti-christ.. your phone HAS to be stolen by the anti-christ. Not a fellow coffee shop goer, not a co-worker, not a friend, not even a homeless person who doesn't know how to make phone calls. It has to be the worst person imaginable. Someone with the most keen hacking skills on the planet who also spends most of his time looking for discarded cell-phones.

25. Commenting Online
- Right.. I'll do just that.
Man I did many of those things. Yes i sometimes run without an antivirus but in my defense I use drive image when I run into problems.