TF2 Download here is slow as a turtle....


Sep 27, 2005
Im downloading at about 200 bytes not even a Kb. Im aware that im probably not going to be able to play today (monday) which im ok with. Anyone else downloading really really slow?

I also tried deleting clientregistry.blob also doesnt work.
I was getting decent speeds a week ago. Probably would have been best to do this earlier, not on the day that TF2 beta is planned on being released. Unfortunately, I'll be working through the release so I wont be able to play it today :(.
You think Valve was actually going to release it on the date they said they were going to release it on. That's cute.
I just purchased the orange box yesterday. Downloaded half-life 2, episode 1, and tf2 between 150-500kb/s. Playing fortress forever at the moment, and I have to say it brings back some good memories from the tfc days.
LMAO i uninstalled my video driver for the new beta ones on nvidia's site and my download went up to 1.mb lol
I was trying to preload it all weekend - constant speeds of less than 5kbps.
I preloaded the day it was available at about 400k/s. There must have been a heavy load even though since Steam locked up at least 3 times.
Well, there is probably a million other people trying to download it too....Im sure thats most likely the reason for slow download times....

But, then again, Im currently downloading the HL2 demo...It said it would take 4 hours to download...Im at 92% and its only been 1 1/2hrs. So who knows.....maybe you just on a bad/slow server????

Edit: Its at 97%......WOOT!!!!!
Well, looks like I'll be redownloading hl2/episode 1 and tf2. Steam was giving me a fuss and suddenly all the games would crash at the main menu and I'd get a Platform Error. Well I figured I'd reinstall steam since that seemed to fix the problem for other people. Well, add remove programs reported steam at 1.5mb or so, and I assumed it would uninstall the application and not all the games/gcf files.... guess I was wrong. Well, time to download another 12gb.

Anyway, tf2 this time around is downloading at around 200-500kb/s