Tesla Owner Cel-Shades His Car with Clever Vinyl Wrap


Aug 20, 2006
As if a Tesla Model S P90D didn’t look unique enough, one owner decided to make his look like something out of Jet Set Radio or Viewtiful Joe with a big yellow wrap. I think people who put stickers on their cars are dumb, but I guess I can let this pass.

Some drivers want to make their car stand out from the rest of the crowd. Burnie Burns, the creator of Rooster Teeth’s Red vs. Blue, found a way to do just that with a neat vinyl wrap that made his Tesla P90D look as though it just drove out of a cartoon. In a video blog, Burns noted that he was inspired when his fiancée got a new pocketbook from a company called Jump From Paper. The company produces some neat accessories that are designed to look as though they’re two dimensional. Burns liked how it looked, and went to Rooster Teeth’s designer to design a wrap for his car in the same style. Graphics Guys, a sign printing company in Austin Texas, took his design and printed up the wrap to install.
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Yellow? Because they think that is the color that'd sell it best? I think red would of worked better. Or even white.
I like yellow, but I don't think the vision translated as well as intended. The cost of that had to be insane. At least it's reversible if desired he can always revert to stock with under faded paint to resell later.
I like yellow, but I don't think the vision translated as well as intended. The cost of that had to be insane. At least it's reversible if desired he can always revert to stock with under faded paint to resell later.

Plus fewer scuffs and stone chips.
Is this about Tesla or that you can wrap your car? This is like the worst Tesla clickbait yet. Yes Bobby, wraps for cars exist. Next story.
I like the creative aspect and think it looks better than stock paint. But I'm not a big fan of vinyl in general. It'll look bad (peeling, faded, disentigrating) in 3-5 years and have to be removed, unless that vinyl is better than the stuff we used to use for racing stripes back in the college days.
Everytime I hear "Cell shaded" I get horrible pictures of Wind waker in my mind. This however was not that and while not really my style I think it is pretty neat. If nothing else this looks better than some of the crap people do to their vehicles. Also the nice thing about wraps is they are cheap and if he gets tired of it, peels right off.
I like the creative aspect and think it looks better than stock paint. But I'm not a big fan of vinyl in general. It'll look bad (peeling, faded, disentigrating) in 3-5 years and have to be removed, unless that vinyl is better than the stuff we used to use for racing stripes back in the college days.
Well if they used a proper vinyl wrap they do last much better now of days, that being said application is still a pita still i guess easier and cheaper than stripping, sanding and applying 20 coats to a car to make it look like an actually good paint job.
I don't see how it makes it look 2D/cel shaded. Just looks like an yellow car with fake scratches in it.

Also, what's with that guy in video in the Smart car advertising Spotify?? Company car or his own?
Meh i get it, probably because i've played a lot of cel shaded games. Still not excited.

I also install wraps for a living.
I don't see how it makes it look 2D/cel shaded. Just looks like an yellow car with fake scratches in it.

Also, what's with that guy in video in the Smart car advertising Spotify?? Company car or his own?

Neither. In Austin (where they are at) and in other cities there is a thing called Cars2go. You get an app on your phone and if you need a car you rent one on the app, then it tells you where the nearest one is at. You go pickup the car, the app unlocks the car once you are there and you drive away. This company is Rooster Teeth, the slow mo guys videos that previously being posted here every month is under their company umbrella along with a handful of other companies. When at their yearly convention in Austin I seen some of the Cars2go cars around the convention center a few years back but don't recall seeing ads on them. So my best guess is that they added ads to them recently to help keep the cost of the service down. Unless they have always had ads and I just didn't pay attention much since I had my own car with me and didn't need to rent a car there.

I am one of the few that like it it seems. I also want to keep calling it a P90X.
I like yellow, but I don't think the vision translated as well as intended. The cost of that had to be insane. At least it's reversible if desired he can always revert to stock with under faded paint to resell later.

I don't know what you'd consider insane cost, but it probably would only run $2-3k for the wrap. Not my cup of tea.

I'm gonna go this route, cause screw normal.

I was expecting some kind of copper particle infused wrap that blocks RF signals. This was just stupid.
Unfortunately, he can only take his Tesla to mechanics named "Scooter" or "Ellie" now... "Catch-a-Riiiiiiiiiiiide!"
Tesla CL4P-TP edition?
