Tesla Factory Workers Reveal Pain, Injury, and Stress

I kind of like the idea of automating everything.

Because the people who are screaming that everything should be done by robots, will eventually have their job replaced by a robot that can do their job. And then they will bounce from job to job, industry to industry, until they are ultimately forced to get jobs fixing the robots that did their old jobs. And then the companies will just make robots that can fix the other robots, because they don't have to pay robots a salary 401k, beneifts, etc., so they will be jobless again. And the cycle will continue until we're all replaced by robots. Our economy will tank, because nobody can afford the robot produced goods because nobody has jobs anymore except the ludicrously rich, who will refuse to pay the astronomical amounts of money for everyday things by their peers. We will wind up either in a futuristic society where money no longer has value and people get by simply by contributing to their community on any scale, or an apocalyptic revolutionary landscape where man has declared war on the machines for the right to survive.

I can't wait.
I love how everyone jumps on these employees as if they are just babies. They may have a valid case.