Tenn. Law Bans Posting Images That "Cause Emotional Distress"


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Well, it’s been awhile since Tennessee made the news….like a week or so. This latest assault on the general population of Tennessee takes up the weighty issue of scary internet images. The law is designed to prevent others from emotional distress due to the careless postings of others, but exactly what is deemed emotionally distressing has not actually been addressed.

If you think that sounds unconstitutional, you're not alone. The law doesn't require that the picture be of the "victim," nor would the government need to prove that you intended the image to be distressing
We need more people like this guy:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7dV6Fvkxq8"]YouTube - ‪Progressives like Ron Paul too! Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Howard Stern‬‏[/ame]

This crap is just getting out of hand! Apparently I missed the part of our constitution that address the right to not be offended.
So if someone posted a .jpg of say, this statute, it could actually be in violation of itself? I certainly find a statute that infringes my constitutional right to freedom of expression to cause "intimidation and emotional distress". The intimidation is the threat of fines or incarceration. The emotional part is more me being distressed that people stupid enough to write such a bill were actually elected into public office. What ever happened to the civil service exam? Surely no one who would write (or vote for) this bill could have actually passed it.
What kind of lame ass law is that! Without strickt definition of what constitutes a picture that "Cause Emotional Distress", one could claim that any picture at all would be at fault, just need to be someone that claimes to be distressed by it.

The PC crowd strikes agian, the twats, and obviosly not one of them have any common sence or knowledge about creating laws.
Emotional distress? oh you mean porn, art, the news, and just about any video PG-13 and up...

Do I go to jail now?
Isn't just about everything in the world and on the Internet capable of causing emotional distress? You can't make everyone happy, nothing will be 100% not emotionally distressing. You'd basically have to take down the Internet to appease all individuals who could ever be offended by any possible media.

Fuck them, if they don't like it, let them Google something else...
Sometimes I'm just so proud that I was born and raised in the south. My favorite was when Rhea county, about 30 minutes up the road, passed a law outlawing homosexuality. I was just gushing.
So wait. . . they are going to spend tax money, time, and man hours, tracking down posters of "offensive images" and if they are a resident of Tennessee they will fine them or take them to jail . . . well I am glad they have 0 poverty and, 0 unemployment, a balanced budget, and a surplus of tax dollars to spend on solving the last great problem facing society . .. oh wait they have none of these things!

No. There will be a fatwa issued sentencing you to death. Tennessee is your last problem. :p

So true.:D
Too much estrogen in this country. Is it all the birthcontrol pills being flushed into our water?
I find the TN House and Senate offensive. Can we file charges against them?

I hate this state. Home of "Don't Say Gay", "Sharia-Free Tennessee", and now this piece of shit law. Thank goodness most of these turds are one-term political suicide bombers that we won't see again after the next election.
Just like everything causes cancer, every image can cause emotional distress, from a French man demonstrating how wide he can stretch his ring-muscle to week year old kitten resting in someone's palm.

I thought a law like this had already passed and that the next step would have been about conjuring mental images in peoples minds that could cause emotional distress, that would have put me in deep shit if I ever were to visit TN because I like to drop mental SBDs.

Eggs are hen menstruation.

Post a screenshot of that in TN.
Basically, you can't post any images on the web in TN since probably every picture will cause emotional distress in at least a few people.

example. picture of a car can cause emotional distress to a person that was hit by a car or had their pet run over, or a drunk driver killed a family member.

laws that are so broad like this are retarded and I can't see how they pass.
If i had the money, i would just start filing lawsuit after lawsuit against the Tennessee government, claiming every other image on their websites caused me undue stress... demanding they fine themselves each time :D
I sent him the following Email:

First of all I would like to thank you for your unending battle to right all the wrongs that the internet has brought. Hopefully \the law that you enacted recently to protect the people from distressing images will catch on and be adopted across the US, maybe even the world!

I suffer from [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopophobia"]Scopophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame], which causes me an extremely high level of distress when I try using the internet. Thanks to your new law though, I will be able to access more of the web than ever before!

First and foremost, I would like to ask that you remove the image of yourself from the http://www.tn.gov/governor web page, as the pose that you are using makes it feel like you are staring at me! STOP STARING AT ME... I'm sorry, I practically have a panic attack when I see images like this, please see to it that it is removed immediately!

Thank you so much for all that you have done for the great state of Tennessee! Keep laws like this coming!!
I don't know what is dumber, this law, the fact that I can't edit replies to news articles, or the way you are auto-filtering links to Wikipedia... Here's the message again without the wiki link.

First of all I would like to thank you for your unending battle to right all the wrongs that the internet has brought. Hopefully the law that you enacted recently to protect the people from distressing images will catch on and be adopted across the US, maybe even the world!

I suffer from Scopophobia, which causes me an extremely high level of distress when I try using the internet. Thanks to your new law though, I will be able to access more of the web than ever before!

First and foremost, I would like to ask that you remove the image of yourself from the http://www.tn.gov/governor web page, as the pose that you are using makes it feel like you are staring at me! STOP STARING AT ME... I'm sorry, I practically have a panic attack when I see images like this, please see to it that it is removed immediately!

Thank you so much for all that you have done for the great state of Tennessee! Keep laws like this coming!!
Man, Tennessee is full of suck.

No its not that bad. We're not even close to California and other super left states. Our only problem out here is way to much religion going on. There's plenty of good things here tho like no state income tax. One good thing about the religious, they hate taxes almost as much as nudie bars.
Why don't some people grasp that there's no such thing as the right to not have one's feeling's hurt/right to not be offended?
Lets give it up again for the Socialist Republic of Cali... wait what Tennessee? The fuck? Did I enter a different universe?
In this PC world, everything and anything is possible of causing someone somewhere "emotional distress".

Where's the Ron Paul spotlight to shine into the night sky?