"Temporary Vid Card" from best buy

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Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2002
I have returned over 100 items to my local best buy. when they see me, they dont even talk to me. they just refund the cash. I need a temporay vid card while mine is being rma'd. can i get one there they return it free of charge like ive done with 13 gba sps, 5 different wifi setups, etc?
lol...you cost the industry billions a year...... i can't answer your question for i wouldn't know...
Originally posted by DDrasus
I have returned over 100 items to my local best buy. when they see me, they dont even talk to me. they just refund the cash. I need a temporay vid card while mine is being rma'd. can i get one there they return it free of charge like ive done with 13 gba sps, 5 different wifi setups, etc?

Absolutely not. That costs BB money, which makes them raise their prices, which affects all of us. This is called fraud.
Yes, thank you for making me pay more when I need an emergency part at Best Buy. You should get your ass beat for doing this.

Of course, I also think this story may be bullshit, since they make you fill out a form when you return something.

However if it is true, you should send your resume to OCZ...you'd fit in well there.
Just piping in real quick to reinforce everyone else's position that you should be hurt badly if you do what you say.

On the topic:
probably, since you said so proudly that you've done the same with other things.
hmm, ive never filled out a form to return something like you say. as for ot being morrally right, i dont return stuff for fun. I return it because ---it dosent work correctly/could work better---- as for the gba sp's, those were returned because the screen on every single one was either off center, had dead pixels, or dust under it. I believe it is unacceptable to buy something for $100, which is about 13 hours of work for me, and not get something that is damn near perfect. It may cost them cash, but it costs me cash to drive their to return this shit 13 times.
I never realized that so many of you guys buy stuff at BB. I only go there to buy CDs (yea, once in a while I still get the ol'e disk) and look at stuff I will later go and buy online :p
Let me chime in on this for a bit...

If you have successfully transacted that many returns then you serisously need to re-evaluate your purchasing decisions and engage in more intensive research before buying something. You wouldn't have to return something if you had looked harder into what you are buying.

EDIT CIWS - The act being discussed is fraudulent and illegal. Closed thread per the rules.
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