Tell me why to go with Vista right away ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I am running Win2K again, and LOVE it, I really didnt care for the Fisher Price look of XP, and I find Win2K to be more stable. My system is in my sig, not a top of the line setup but up there :)

So I wouldnt mind taking advantage of my 64bit CPU and DualCore cabalities more than Win2K can offer. Realistically there are no DirectX10 games due out for awhile, and I am mainly a gamer, and websurfer, so why should I upgrade to WindowsVista right away ?

It would sure look cool on my 30" Display, but I dont want to have slower performace in WoW or QuakeWars, or lockup's from a new Micro$haft OS, and what about 64bit ?

I thought AMD was all jizzing away when the Athlon64 was first released all about the 64bit this and that and how it would change our lives :rolleyes: Well WinXP64 never took off, and now I here there are both 32 and 64bit version's of Vista ? Are not all gamer's running 64bit cpu's today either Athlon's or Core2Duo's ? So why is there even a 32bit version at all ? Why did AMD cram this whole 64bit revolution down our mouth's if no OS is even ready prime time for it, to give us the better and faster performance 64bit was touted as
I really hate it when someone posts and before you even open the thread, they're already telling the forum users what to do (i.e., "Tell me why I should do X"). It really puts a bad taste in people's mouths.

I'm not going to go into all the reasons why you should switch (I could, literally go on for pages but it's a simple Google or Wikipedia search and you can get the same information for yourself). I will address some of the items in your post, however.
It would sure look cool on my 30" Display, but I dont want to have slower performace in WoW or QuakeWars, or lockup's from a new Micro$haft OS, and what about 64bit ?
Looks like you already made up your mind :rolleyes:

Look, you want our opinion and you have questions about Vista. It's obvious you don't know much about it so why are you asking for help, and then immediately bashing Microsoft and their new OS?

Vista isn't going to slow down your games. Just like OS X and even Windows XP, when you go to load your game, the GUI isn't holding much, if any ram as it's usually pushed off into the page file unless you have a large amount of ram. The game gets priority so it's not going to slow down your game at all unless the drivers put out my nVidia or ATi suck.

Now since Vista is new, there is the possibility for bugs and lock-ups, however; Vista has been re-written and is not only more reliable but also has drivers running in user space. When my work machine had a hardware issue, instead of getting a BSOD like I would with XP or 2000, I got a little pop-up telling me about the failure and that was it. I still had to get the hardware replaced/fixed but I had plenty of time and warning to save my data.

64-bit is available and there are many more drivers than there were for Windows XP 64 built into Vista, however; support still depends on many vendors so 32-bit may be the way to go until everyone is on board.

I thought AMD was all jizzing away when the Athlon64 was first released all about the 64bit this and that and how it would change our lives :rolleyes: Well WinXP64 never took off, and now I here there are both 32 and 64bit version's of Vista ? Are not all gamer's running 64bit cpu's today either Athlon's or Core2Duo's ? So why is there even a 32bit version at all ? Why did AMD cram this whole 64bit revolution down our mouth's if no OS is even ready prime time for it, to give us the better and faster performance 64bit was touted as
Compared to 32-bit, 64-bit is the future. Unfortunately, Vendors were not are still are not investing in creating 64-bit drivers. We will eventually be forced to go to 64-bit because 32-bit is very limiting. We'll eventually be forced to go even higher than that.

64-bit will change our lives and is necessary for many applications including video editing (video editing is a bitch on 32-bit especially if it's HD because you're limited to about 4GB of ram), servers/server farms and even high-end gaming has benefits to 64-bit.
I really hate it when someone posts and before you even open the thread, they're already telling the forum users what to do (i.e., "Tell me why I should do X"). It really puts a bad taste in people's mouths.
Agreed. I'm always tempted to reply "I don't care what you do"
And yet another "Why Vista, why now?" thread... go figure :D

No one is going to tell you to go with Vista; I think most of us would prefer to tell you to go someplace else <hint, hint> :)

But, if you've got hardware capable of running it, and you're getting it (meaning Vista), I say go for it. People can't learn anything if they just sit back and let the future pass 'em by. If you want to be a slouch potato, go for it.

Myself, I'm always on the bleeding edge of technology, and it's people like me that ends up becoming the kind of support person people like you most likely end up calling to figure out the "newfangled technology" because you didn't want to get involved with it when it was brand new.

You can't learn anything without getting your feet wet and your hands dirty, so to speak.
And yet another "Why Vista, why now?" thread... go figure :D

No one is going to tell you to go with Vista; I think most of us would prefer to tell you to go someplace else <hint, hint> :)

But, if you've got hardware capable of running it, and you're getting it (meaning Vista), I say go for it. People can't learn anything if they just sit back and let the future pass 'em by. If you want to be a slouch potato, go for it.

Myself, I'm always on the bleeding edge of technology, and it's people like me that ends up becoming the kind of support person people like you most likely end up calling to figure out the "newfangled technology" because you didn't want to get involved with it when it was brand new.

You can't learn anything without getting your feet wet and your hands dirty, so to speak.

"Lead, Follow, or get out of the way"
I don't need Vista now. XP and various flavors of Linux suit me just fine.
I will upgrade to Vista eventually... probably when there is a DX10 game that I must play.
i tell you what, vista looks sexy on an lcd. much better than xp does.
Agreed. I'm always tempted to reply "I don't care what you do"

This is a forum where people ask for advice which what I did :)......If ya dont care why even reply at all, WoW I am shocked at a few of these replies busting my ball's for asking a simple question. I just want the best opinion and or advice from the [H]ard nation
Because it's sparkly. Everyone knows geeks love sparkly new thingys.
Because it's sparkly. Everyone knows geeks love sparkly new thingys.

Cookie for you!

Zorachus said:
I am shocked at a few of these replies busting my ball's for asking a simple question.

Because using $ in Microsoft is old and stupid and automatically makes you feel like an ass... at least that's what I think.

Now, for your actual question, I'd have to agree with Ghost. Either use it or don't. If you like the classic, minimalist look of Win2k just turn off Aero and switch to classic theme (btw, you can do that on "Fisher Price" XP too), and get Home Basic.
This is a forum where people ask for advice which what I did :)......If ya dont care why even reply at all, WoW I am shocked at a few of these replies busting my ball's for asking a simple question. I just want the best opinion and or advice from the [H]ard nation

Oh come on, be real, be a man, stand up and take it ... or bend over, your preference. :)

You didn't ASK for advice, at least not as far as the topic is concerned; you asked to be told what to do soooo... we just took it from there. :)

And it's a public forum, for the most part. Getting off the wall replies is almost a rite of passage around here and any other forum.

The primary reason you got the responses you did is because there are a ton of other threads about Vista already floating around these parts. The biggest problem with most forums, including this one, are that either new members or even old ones load up the page, look at whatever is there on the first one of whatever subforum they go to, and if they don't see anything related to the question they want to ask, they'll start a new thread.

There are a lot of Vista threads happening at this moment, especially within the past two months - not just the past day's postings which is what the forum defaults to showing.

So we end up with 50+ threads all basically asking the same thing: "Why Vista, why now, why should I use Vista, why should I run 32 or 64 bit Vista, why doesn't Vista do <xxx>, why did Vista crash..." etc etc ad nauseum.

Do some research before you ask the questions you need to ask - you'll often find they've been answered countless times over and you end up getting the types of replies you did primarily because... they've been asked and answered countless times over.

That's the best advice you're going to get. :D
You can turn off all of the elements of the Luna GUI in XP. It was really a last minute edition to make it seem like XP was a new OS instead of an accumulation of add-ons that already existed for 2K. The only real benefits of the OS was faster boot times and anti-aliased fonts. Of course, everyone rushed out to buy it just as they will for Vista.

You have no need for Vista. All of your apps will run on XP, so there is reason you need it. Many of the touted features for Vista are already available for XP. People will get it because they're new and want to donate money to MS.
I am running Win2K again, and LOVE it,
Congratulations for you. Good luck with PROPER PCI-E supprt, real 64 bit processing, larger amounts of ram, correct support for quad cores, directX 10, and the multitude of apps that require XP/Vista. Oh, and that nasty addressable space issue too..

I really didnt care for the Fisher Price look of XP,
Takes about 10 seconds to make XP look EXACTLY like windows 2000

and I find Win2K to be more stable.
Since XP is based on 2000, i find it hard to believe that 2k is more stable than XP.

My system is in my sig, not a top of the line setup but up there :)

So I wouldn't mind taking advantage of my 64bit CPU and DualCore cabalities more than Win2K can offer....<snip>.... and I am mainly a gamer, and websurfer, so why should I upgrade to WindowsVista right away ?
Because it can actually use your 64 bit cpu as a 64 bit cpu.

It would sure look cool on my 30" Display, but I dont want to have slower performace in WoW or QuakeWars, or lockup's from a new Micro$haft OS, and what about 64bit ?
You won't have slower performance. My system 1, in sig, (when I used it with a video card that actually has full driver support in Vista) got a higher pcmark, aquamark, 3dmark, and sysmark score in vista than in XP.
Yes, I know benchies only tell part of the story, but when EVERY benchmark I run shows at LEAST a 10&#37; improvement, it's hard to argue "but the games will be slower"

I thought AMD was all jizzing away when the Athlon64 was first released all about the 64bit this and that and how it would change our lives :rolleyes: Well WinXP64 never took off,
They were "jizzing" as you say, and who says XP64 never took off?
While it may be true that XP32 is a better gaming platform than XP64, that doesn't mean there aren't TONS of people using XP64. prior to vista (and prior to me getting into intel CORE tech, i.e. A64s, a64-x2 were my only 64 bit solutions) I was dual booting
XP32 for gaming
XP64 for work

and now I here there are both 32 and 64bit version's of Vista ?
Yes there are. Because there are PLENTY of VERY powerful 32 bit processors still out there. Maybe not as power as say a X6800, or a QX6700, or an FX-62.. but there are people with 3.2Ghz 32bit, P4 processors. Those people CAN'T RUN the 64 bit os if their processor doesn't have, at the very least, EMT64.

Are not all gamer's running 64bit cpu's today either Athlon's or Core2Duo's ?
No, not all gamers are running 64 bit.
A very good friend of mine is running a P4 3.0C, S478, with 2GB DDR1, and a High end AGP card. He plays the same games you play. He is running XP Pro. No, he might not be able to run crysis when it comes out, but that doesn't mean he can't play wow. I have a client who plays WoW on a 1.3Ghz CELERON with a r9600 pro 256mb, with 576mb ram. She's running XP Home.

So why is there even a 32bit version at all ?
Because all the 32 bit processors in the world haven't been wiped from existance. There are people with RDRAM, 1.6GHZ, 400mhz fsb who will want to run vista. They will be able to, thanks to microsoft.

Why did AMD cram this whole 64bit revolution down our mouth's if no OS is even ready prime time for it,
Again, so says you. You are entitled to your opinions, even if they are not valid.
to give us the better and faster performance 64bit was touted as
64 bit performance IS better. You wouldn't have a clue, since you are using a 32 bit o.s.

You don't sound like someone who should go to vista. In fact, I wonder if you should even be running win2000. Perhaps Windows For Workgroups 3.11 ?

1"Lead, Follow, or get out of the way"
I usually chose get out of the way
- Luke Wilson, Idiocracy, 2006

Nicest feature I've found so far in vista

- Ability to resize partitions on a drive without data destruction. Got a 500gb drive that you had split in two in XP? well, you can join those partitions under vista. Want to cut a drive up, without having to back it up, and reformat? Vista can do that too.

Sort of like partition magic, except.. It's not annoying as hell to use.
The reason to get Vista is because its new, and its the forward progression of technology.

Im not saying buy it as soon as it comes out... I Myself am going to wait until I know all the hardware I have, will have 64-Bit vista drivers available before I install Vista.

They are releasing an Operating System for a reason other than to make more money. Its Architecturally better in almost every way...

PS. I cant beleive you are still running 2K? I thought we all got off that bandwaggon like in 2002. 2K was great sure, but now there is just too much new hardware out there like PCI-E, Dual - Quad - 8 Core systems... we are almost at our limit with 32 Bit Memory addressing.... So im not sure why people are so stuck to windows 2000.

XP is a great OS. Microsoft has come along way.... We dont get BSODs anymore, or have issues... if you get them, then its user error.

Vista is going to be a good upgrade for all people who have a high end computer / anyone who gets a computer from now on. Its not for everyone yet... but it will be.

My Computer (in sig) is outstanding.... it will be running Vista before summer time. Now - my grandmas computer - 1.8GHz Semperon, 256MB Ram, Onboard Radeon 9200 Video... will be running XP for along time... until she gets a new computer.
Lets make this simple... WAIT

we all know that the first couple of months anything new comes out *from ps3 to 8800GTX* there are kinks that need to be ironed out.

how about next winter or this fall, by then all the driver will be fairly good to go and any MS problems will be resolved with the updates and maybe more DX10 games... and of course apps.

Those things and waiting for possible 8600 GFX line give me a reason to wait out a bit longer.

but its up to you.
This is a forum where people ask for advice which what I did :)......If ya dont care why even reply at all, WoW I am shocked at a few of these replies busting my ball's for asking a simple question. I just want the best opinion and or advice from the [H]ard nation
You weren't really asking us for advice, you were asking if you should go with Vista, the steaming pile of crap from Micro$haft that it is. You already gave your opinion of it, so why would you consider using it? People were busting your balls because your comments showed you weren't that familiar with Vista, but you were passing judgement on it and MS anyway. Furthuremore, the usage of things like Micro$haft, M$, etc makes people cringe with it's childishness.

You are correct that Windows XP64 did have issues, but many of them have been ironed out. Many of us are going to see how Vista 64 is, before making a decision. No one is suggesting you go get Vista right on the 30th. Most people who have to pay for it will be waiting a bit to see how it fairs, and see how driver availability is. I'll be using my Technet version on a test machine for a while before installing it on my primary.
Basically when halo 2 comes out, then we'll have to upgrade. I think that's the first notable DX10 game coming out.
i dunno bout gaming performance. i've noticed i got a little slower framerates in vista than with xp. i think that was due to driver issues. but overall i think vista has been long overdue and after using the rtm for awhile now, i love it and I'm not goin back to xp if i can help it
I am running Win2K again, and LOVE it, I really didnt care for the Fisher Price look of XP, and I find Win2K to be more stable.

So I wouldnt mind taking advantage of my 64bit CPU and DualCore cabalities more than Win2K can offer.

It would sure look cool on my 30" Display, but I dont want to have slower performace in WoW or QuakeWars, or lockup's from a new Micro$haft OS, and what about 64bit

Come on now, you want to take advantage of your system don't you? That's not going to happen running 2k......

Oh, and the Micro$haft thing sure is cute, and original.

Because using $ in Microsoft is old and stupid and automatically makes you look like an ass...

See what I mean?

the usage of things like Micro$haft, M$, etc makes people cringe with it's childishness.

Notice a trend here?

You like 2k, fine. Keep it. Here's a "best of both worlds" suggestion.......throw another hdd in your system, and.....dual boot:eek:
Come on now, you want to take advantage of your system don't you? That's not going to happen running 2k......

You like 2k, fine. Keep it. Here's a "best of both worlds" suggestion.......throw another hdd in your system, and.....dual boot:eek:

I may end up buying that new 150gb Raptor, and installing Vista-64bit on that to test out, but keep my current 75gb with Win2K on that just in case and or untill I get comfortable with Vista and finding all the 64bit driver's.

So which version of Vista is everyone getting ? $400.00 sounds very high for a new OS ?
If you like being a minimalist, just get Home Basic for $99, since you won't be using Aero, media center, etc anyway.

EDIT: The Classic theme is in Vista, so just change it to that if you don't like the new "ugly" look.
No! If you don't like XP's Luna, you'll hate Vista Basic...

Again. He can turn it off in about 10 seconds.


This functionality is in Vista, too.

i dunno bout gaming performance. i've noticed i got a little slower framerates in vista than with xp. i think that was due to driver issues. but overall i think vista has been long overdue and after using the rtm for awhile now, i love it and I'm not goin back to xp if i can help it

Yes, this is a driver issue. Almost all video card drivers that are currently available aren't really "ready for primetime" in vista, IMHO.
But, nonetheless, I still got better gaming performance in vista.