Teen Gets Prison Term for Scientology DDOS Attack

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
I’m going to reserve comment on this story and just let you guys do it. Dmitriy Guzner, an 19-year-old New Jersey man, was sentenced to a year and a day of prison time and ordered to pay $37,500 in restitution to the Church of Scientology for his role in a DDOS attack on the church’s website in January 2008. Hmm…

Guzner took part in a series of distributed denial of service attacks that knocked the Church of Scientology's Web site offline for several days. The DDOS attacks began Jan. 19 and proceeded to knock the Scientology.org Web site offline by hitting it with several bursts of up to 220Mbit/sec. in unwanted Internet traffic.
Well at least he was hacking to do something useful. This is a lot better than that hacker that put a flashing screen on the home page of a site for epileptics.
We're talking about an organization who successfully had someone prosecuted for threatening to launch a "Tom Cruise" missile at them. He mad an online joke and they actually successfully prosecuted him for terrorist threats or "interfering with a religion" or something like that.

They also engaged in character assassination against him which continues to this day.

Google Keith Henson.

The (so-called) Church of Scientology is one of the most destructive cults to exist in the past 100 years.
Wow..seriously? A year in prison for a ddos attack? While I don't condone that type of behavior, that is still extreme. I know a ton of people who got popped for launching a DDOS and got nothing more then a slap on the wrist.

Just more proof that religion is a blight upon this world.
Its because it was an attack on more than just 1 individual heh and to an organization like that. Im sure thats the reason for it.

However DDOS attacks are illegal so.....
Wow..seriously? A year in prison for a ddos attack? While I don't condone that type of behavior, that is still extreme. I know a ton of people who got popped for launching a DDOS and got nothing more then a slap on the wrist.

It's like speeding and going fast enough to get reckless driving. A person knows they are wrong for that shit but they do it anyway.

Maybe they get lucky? The Cop pulls them over and doesn't charge reckless or they get even luckier and the judge reduces it from reckless.

But the whole time you were doing it... you knew it could land your ass a night in jail. Same with a DDOS attack or downloading gigabytes of stolen crap on the internet. You never expect the maximum punishment, but you shouldn't be surprised when they throw the book at you.
We're talking about an organization who successfully had someone prosecuted for threatening to launch a "Tom Cruise" missile at them.

Hey wait a minute, that's enough to strike the fear to any sane person.:D
We're talking about an organization who successfully had someone prosecuted for threatening to launch a "Tom Cruise" missile at them. He mad an online joke and they actually successfully prosecuted him for terrorist threats or "interfering with a religion" or something like that.

They also engaged in character assassination against him which continues to this day.

Google Keith Henson.

The (so-called) Church of Scientology is one of the most destructive cults to exist in the past 100 years.
Wow. They really learned their character assassination, didn't they? Result 5 for Keith Henson: Keith Henson is a child molester, supposedly written by his daughters. Jesus.
Wow..seriously? A year in prison for a ddos attack? While I don't condone that type of behavior, that is still extreme. I know a ton of people who got popped for launching a DDOS and got nothing more then a slap on the wrist.

Just more proof that religion is a blight upon this world.

Just more proof that money always wins, that church has so much cash behind it!
Religion or not, nobody should be put in jail for a DDOS attack. If anything, they should thank the guy for proving how insecure their website is.

The fact that Scientology is nothing more then a terrible comic book turned into a religion, is scary on it's own. To think that these people have this kind of power, is horrific.
I'm actually in full agreement with jailtime for a DDOS no matter how well deserved it is. It consumes a ton of resources for everyone involved and the attacking systems likely were bots as well.

Just because the target is evil, doesn't mean you can hit them with a vigilante attack while breaking the law yourself.
The problem I have with this isn't the target of the attack, I do think Scientology is just a cult myself. It's that this doesn't really accomplish anything other then land someone in jail. There are legal ways to get a message across that Scientology is a cult that has harmed many of it's lower profile "non-celebrity" members. And I actually have no sympathy for the hacker, if one does something illegal, even if on the surface for a good cause, one has to be willing to go to jail.

Having said that, does the punishment fit the crime? Maybe not but I also don't know much about a typical sentence for what he did either. Hopefully he can either appeal or they can at least place him in a minimum security facility for white collar crimes. (Then again, I've seen someone with a 4 page rap sheet for theft, forgery and fraud along with a bunch of DUI's steal some checks, forge the signature and so forth, and only sit in jail for maybe six months or a year too, even when the amount they managed to forge was something like $11,000 or so...mind you they ended up back in jail and are still there, but they managed to get a couple more DUI's and do a similar crime AGAIN before that.)

Anyway, I guess my point is no, the target wasn't a bad one per-se if he was going to do this, but he still broke the law, so he has to be ready to face jail time too.
I'm actually in full agreement with jailtime for a DDOS no matter how well deserved it is. It consumes a ton of resources for everyone involved and the attacking systems likely were bots as well.

Just because the target is evil, doesn't mean you can hit them with a vigilante attack while breaking the law yourself.

OMG its cowards like you who actually allow these things that are clearly evil and no good to flourish and grow into what they are now, if people don't do anything than things get worse

don't rationalize and justify these things, ever
I like how people are worried about how much money and power Scientology have, and how destructive they are yet all the other major churches of the world would/could never do anything nefarious or cause any harm to anyone at all *rolls eyes*
I like how people are worried about how much money and power Scientology have, and how destructive they are yet all the other major churches of the world would/could never do anything nefarious or cause any harm to anyone at all *rolls eyes*

Also a year sentence means a year with time cut off for probation but the way prison time works if you get a year and a day that extra day counts as a month and he gets out even earlier then he would if it was just a sentence for a year.
Calling that gigantic scam a church or religion is a crime in itself. A con game created by a third rate hack of a sci-fi author to fleece money from the idle rich.
If scientology was a real church this kid wouldn't be going to jail. Obviously its a place where the rich go to to talk to other rich people like celebs.
Except no religion is involved in this case. :rolleyes:

Scientology might as well be a religion. It's a cult that brainwashes otherwise rational individuals into believing in things that are supernatural or otherworldly and attempts to give people a purpose or context within which their lives are given meaning.

As far as I'm concerned, that might as well be the very definition of a religion.

Regardless, his point still stands, and we all know your average everyday cult wouldn't have the clout or the muscle to put a teenage kid in jail for a year just because of a DDOS attack.
Religion or not, nobody should be put in jail for a DDOS attack. If anything, they should thank the guy for proving how insecure their website is.

The fact that Scientology is nothing more then a terrible comic book turned into a religion, is scary on it's own. To think that these people have this kind of power, is horrific.

DDOS aren't about security, DDOS are about flooding a site with so much data it cant handle it and it fails, combating a full on DDOS is a huge undertaking and if not done correctly you can end up screwing up your network yourself.
wow... just wow. this cult makes me sick... first of all it was created by a writer who wrote si-fi books... and who was quoted saying "if you want to become rich... makeup a religion."

the whole way the operate is a joke. you have to pay for some contraption to use and become pure? pay to "lvl" up LOL its a joke.

and what really makes me sick is all the movie stars ect.. that follow this. I don't know if they are paid to do so? or are really just that stupid that they blindly follow it?

IMHO something really needs to be done about this cult. they have been linked to many deaths and thefts of peoples savings.
Last I checked the Scientologist's did not murder thousands in a crusade yet.

Religion is evil, but no need to single out Scientology.

Glad the kid went to jail.
Scientology and it's story isn't any less ridiculousness than any other established religion.

Anyway, ya in jail for a DDOS attack is bit much.
Wow..seriously? A year in prison for a ddos attack? While I don't condone that type of behavior, that is still extreme. I know a ton of people who got popped for launching a DDOS and got nothing more then a slap on the wrist.

Just more proof that religion is a blight upon this world.

Lol, tool.
south park about scientology :) http://www.southparkstudios.com/episodes/103804

not sure if serious, but scientology is a religion. they also get the tax benefits related to that status.

hey, i'm starting a new religion. everyone pay me a couple thousand bucks and i will reveal "the truth".

No, Scientology is a cult who broke into government offices, had top members convicted and sent to prison, and somehow blackmailed the IRS into granting them tax-free status.

They are NOT a religion. Because someone calls themselves something doesn't make it so. You can put feathers in your ass and start quacking but it doesn't make you a duck.