TB40ND Where's My Money!? (need help)

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Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2003
TB40ND seems to be another troll. We agreed on 3 playstation games of mine ot sell to him at 7$ ea. I sent first because of his references & post count on hardforums. TB40nd if you are reading this, I suggest you start responding to my PM's and Aol Instant Messages
heres his contact info:

**Personal information removed.**

how I need help: i need to know how to take the next steps to reporting him and somehow tracking him down if it comes to that.

here was recent AIM's I sent, inwhich he was OBVIOUSLY their, because he signed off/on multiple times.

Battleangel3222: hey, did you get the package?
Battleangel3222: Hello?
Battleangel3222: well you just signed on, so I know you probably are getting these messages, and I suggest you not ignore me, as of right now, I am highly considering reporting you to hardforums & trollhunters
TB40ND signed off at 6:08:21 PM.
TB40ND signed on at 6:12:57 PM.
TB40ND signed off at 6:13:02 PM.
TB40ND signed on at 6:14:13 PM.
Battleangel3222: hello?

No PM responses, no AIM response, no email. a few days ago i sent 3 packages, 1 being his, and they were all sent at the same time, the 2 others received theirs and paid me promptly, and i gave his 2 extra days, and no reponse. Please Help, I need your help inorder to know what steps i need to take next.
Seems strange that a person with so much heat would try to rip you off. :confused:
yes I know, I dont get it either, and I know he has gotten something from me, after multiple PM's and Aol instant messages.

and thx for the help! I hope this gets through to be ok after all
there must be something going on....who would sell a heat reputation like that for 21 bucks?
yea i know. No resposnes, hes been on constantly, and no responses at all, im not too worried, atleast its only 3 games, but i still want my damn money.
I agree with bromide I dont believe that some one with that much heat would troll you over that.
Give it time to see whats happens.
Is t forum policy to post someones phone number and personal address before their side of the story has been delivered?
oh yes, i sure do plan on giving it time before reporting to troll hunters or something, but he obviously received my AIM msgs from what i quoted, and i have sent pms, and he has been on today, so he has heard about this, which i feel is worthy of posting publicly which will also influence him to pay up without getting troll hunters involved and such.
how do they have their side of the story? he never responded to my PMS or IM's and I have Delivery confirm on that package
He hasn't responded to any of my IM's.... maybe he's dead at his keyboard :eek:
he was just trying to deal with me on Anandtech. pm incoming.
alright guys
THIS TROLL I WOULD SAY IS CONFIRMED when i sent the latest PM telling him to pay, it was about 2 hours ago, well i just checked my message tracking, and hes seen it, so there ya go, and obviously he has probably seen the other ones you guys sent.
this is looking to be turning out quite bad.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
how do they have their side of the story? he never responded to my PMS or IM's and I have Delivery confirm on that package

YES!.. Good deal ... Delivery Confirm.. very wise choice..

I think I have seen this guys name come up before for questionable trading practices or delaying tactics...

:( by the looks of things --sounds like you are not the only one who is having trouble with him...

Sounds like Trollhunters need to know about this..

What is his name on AnandTech... I just searched for him and didn't find him... Is it like tbrooks or something

found it..

This FORSALE Thread belongs to him
yes correct it is tbrooks, sin sent me a PM with all his personal information (ICQ, address, full name, along with a few other things) if you like i can post that too. But how stupid can you....its 25 bucks shipped for 3 ps2 games....
I have dealt with TB before and if you give him a bit he will make sure that the deal is finished.

Sometimes people have situations pop up that are beyond our control and aren't able to get on to answer all emails all the time.

I'm not saying that well established traders, *COUGH* klamen *COUGH* won't ever turn out to be trolls... I'm just saying that $25 is not enough to ruin a long trading history over and I HIGHLY doubt that he is trolling anybod over such a small amount.
Originally posted by five-by-five
I have dealt with TB before and if you give him a bit he will make sure that the deal is finished.

Sometimes people have situations pop up that are beyond our control and aren't able to get on to answer all emails all the time.

I'm not saying that well established traders, *COUGH* klamen *COUGH* won't ever turn out to be trolls... I'm just saying that $25 is not enough to ruin a long trading history over and I HIGHLY doubt that he is trolling anybod over such a small amount.

Sorry 5x5, dont think im singling you out.

I have seen MANY situations like these arise over a few people now on hardforums where people have trolled with seemingly godly heat. Always there were people who defended them (with probably good reason) but yet they were still trolls.

If the guy was stupid enough to send the read receipt when reading your PM and ignoring it, he obviously has control and could have simply PMed back family issues, will send later instead of ignoring him.

Again sorry for singling you out 5x5, really dont mean to. Hope the situation gets resolved.
TB is a great seller. i am currently in a deal with him and he is helping me out a lot and going way over what he has to. Right now, he's just got some things that needed taking care of, but i am sure he will get back to you, just give him some time. Ive spoken to him, and he will not back out on a deal...... considering the one we are working on is ~$200, he wont back out on a couple of cds/games.
yeap mechwarrior hit it on the dot. If you have time to check a PM and read it you have time to respond with a tiny msg.
Originally posted by td3_81
TB is a great seller. i am currently in a deal with him and he is helping me out a lot and going way over what he has to. Right now, he's just got some things that needed taking care of, but i am sure he will get back to you, just give him some time. Ive spoken to him, and he will not back out on a deal...... considering the one we are working on is ~$200, he wont back out on a couple of cds/games.

After you read this thread I hope either he is shipping or paying first... Otherwise you def will get screwed if he screws a guy over $20.
Alrright guys, this is getting way too out of hand...current online time via AIM 4 hours and 22 minutes. that does kind tell you something.... theres no sign of him being idle... i feel i need to take the next step, waht do you guys think?
ahhhh, excuse me everyone for a second...

:mad: OMFG! Muthafu¢ker are you insane? you had better delete that shit immediately! i recieved this package TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

i just checked delivery confirmation after reading this sh!t and it says it was delivered YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! :mad:

Your item was delivered at 1:49 pm on February 05, 2004 in VANDALIA, MI 49095.

what the fu¢k is your problem? it hasn't even been 48hrs and you are screaming troll at the top of your lungs you jerk? are you unstable or something!?! this is totally fu¢ked up on your part so you're gonna hear about it. hell, my 2yr old has better judgement.

HOLD UP A SECOND!!! i know you didn't have my personal information plastered in this thread! dude, you are totally out of line - i can barely type this sh!t out! :mad:


ok... i got ONE (1) PM from you TODAY... 1

Re: cheapest ps2 titles you have...

did you ever recieve the package? please LMK my paypal is
[email protected] when you get it

...and when you sent this i HAD NOT RECEIVED THE GAMES YET and decided to wait to hit you back just incase the package did show up later today. well, my son brought the package in with him from school sometime after 5:30pm and i had a friend here finishing up his computer. i then had to cook dinner, eat, clean it up and help my wife unload groceries from the garage when she came in from work! so yeah, i have been busy ALL DAY and was going to paypal and pm you when i got a minute to sit back down at the computer!

asyou, haven't gotten replys because i have been busy with less important stuff like cleaning crappy diapers and fixing dinner... if my son doesn't come tell me i keep getting aimed by half the country you probably could convinced everyone here you were actually getting trolled :rolleyes:

now, if the package made it here yesterday i had absolutely no idea - period! i hadn't even gotten a chance to open the d@mn thing to check the discs and so forth until all of this crap. i live in a rural area and our mailboxes are down the drive way out by the street and there is 6ft of snow the whole way there so whoever is getting home brings in the mail the weathers been brutal this winter (i'm in Michigan - oh, that's right... EVERYONE KNOWS THAT NOW - thanx!) i have no reason to doubt the tracking info so more than likely it sat in the box overnight. when you sent the pm you didn't mention that you'd gotten confirmation the package was actually delivered - you said you had dc so i was pretty sure it was still in route here.

lastly, i sold my two main boxes so i have been using the family pc while i'm rebuilding... i always have this site, anands, and amdmb open so i'm logged on but just not sitting infront of the computer if i don't respond!
Pretty screwed up, but TB40ND, you don't seem like a stupid man, but the stupid thing you did was not send him the money for the items you recieved. Whenever I do a "ship-first" to high-ranked individuals, I always expect them to pay me once the package hits their door and it's been opened.
Wow chill out i believe you need to get a grip on things buddy. I can see your point, but theres no need to act immature about this. When you are SIGN ONTO AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, typically, it means you did it. Now I dont know if theres some new manipulative program that strategically signs you on and off for no apparant reason, but umm yeah...And umm reading PMs and not responding when theres clearly other pms too warning you about this thread, and not looking at it....thats pretty bad. Either way, I want to get this deal done, and im sorry for all your gripping, but from the looks of this thread, not everyone else has had 100% satisfaction either.
btw... thank you... Nokia, bromide,dahunan, and 5x5!

Originally posted by Arkenzo
Pretty screwed up, but TB40ND, you don't seem like a stupid man, but the stupid thing you did was not send him the money for the items you recieved. Whenever I do a "ship-first" to high-ranked individuals, I always expect them to pay me once the package hits their door and it's been opened.
i got the package earlier today and he will get his money just a soon as i'm done here!

don't even act like everytime a package hits your door you run right to the pc and jump on paypal! thats just bs!
ummm actually, no need to alarm you or anything...but actually.. when i got home from work (around 4 oclock) I had the other 2 payments of the 3 packages i sent. I checked DC and it was minutes after it arrived.
Originally posted by TB40ND
btw... thank you... Nokia, bromide,dahunan, and 5x5!

i got the package earlier today and he will get his money just a soon as i'm done here!

don't even act like everytime a package hits your door you run right to the pc and jump on paypal! thats just bs!
First off, don't raise your voice at me, and second, you were obviously ignoring the dude, don't lie about it, you were avoiding him, that's something people do not take kind of.

You heatware doesn't give you the right to act like a corporate ignoring bastard.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
Wow chill out i believe you need to get a grip on things buddy. I can see your point, but theres no need to act immature about this. When you are SIGN ONTO AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, typically, it means you did it. Now I dont know if theres some new manipulative program that strategically signs you on and off for no apparant reason

that happens to me quite often, i turn my computer on, and while its booting i get up and do other things, sometimes i dont get back to it for several hours. as for signing on and off, that could be connection problems. which i do also suffer from on cable as well.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
Wow chill out i believe you need to get a grip on things buddy. I can see your point, but theres no need to act immature about this. When you are SIGN ONTO AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, typically, it means you did it. Now I dont know if theres some new manipulative program that strategically signs you on and off for no apparant reason, but umm yeah...And umm reading PMs and not responding when theres clearly other pms too warning you about this thread, and not looking at it....thats pretty bad. Either way, I want to get this deal done, and im sorry for all your gripping, but from the looks of this thread, not everyone else has had 100% satisfaction either.

actually i have that problem a lot, i leave my aim on all the time. however, sometimes when my internet connection is shakey it signs off and signs back on...its pretty common really...especially if you have your computer set to hibernate, it shuts aim off, then back on when it is woken up...and as it is not his main box, maybe someone else was using it. he explained why he didnt respond to the pms.

this clearly got out of hand, i believe that it will end nicely though, good luck to both of you.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
Wow chill out i believe you need to get a grip on things buddy. I can see your point, but theres no need to act immature about this. When you are SIGN ONTO AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, typically, it means you did it. Now I dont know if theres some new manipulative program that strategically signs you on and off for no apparant reason, but umm yeah...And umm reading PMs and not responding when theres clearly other pms too warning you about this thread, and not looking at it....thats pretty bad. Either way, I want to get this deal done, and im sorry for all your gripping, but from the looks of this thread, not everyone else has had 100% satisfaction either.

ummm, NO, i was online today and have no reason to say otherwise! i never log off - this pc and my main pc's are ALWAYS ONLINE... aol my kick every now and then and when it does and i notice it i log it right back on!

again, i'm using the same pc everyone in the house uses - my son was on here and he obviosly looked at these b/c he came and told me i had a bunch of pms.

when i got to the computer all of this was new to me - i didn't see something and not respond or whatever youre trying to say - i saw your pm along with everyone elses at the same time and started typing this shit




Thank you I very much agree that just because your heat is high doesnt mean you should get an advantage of shipping 2nd.

But really what do you think a troll does? They see all the PM's, IM,s Emails, and they read them...and disregard them, but nevertheless they find a need to read them to see how pissed people are. Which is what it looked like when for 1 full hour, It said you read my PM, ( and probably the other people who sent one in this thread) and no response, the WHOLE time, who reads a PM about not paying for something and telling them to pay and then sees anotehr one from someone else asking if you were gonna screw someone on a deal, and then ignores them? Same thing with IM's, like I said, do you have a program that makes you log on and off contantly?

Battleangel3222: hey, did you get the package?
Battleangel3222: Hello?
Battleangel3222: well you just signed on, so I know you probably are getting these messages, and I suggest you not ignore me, as of right now, I am highly considering reporting you to hardforums & trollhunters
TB40ND signed off at 6:08:21 PM.
TB40ND signed on at 6:12:57 PM.
TB40ND signed off at 6:13:02 PM.
TB40ND signed on at 6:14:13 PM.
Battleangel3222: hello?
Battleangel3222: i made a post on hardforums, and you will be reported to troll hunters, this has gone on too long with ZERO responses

then you were on for 5 hours (and still currently are) with ZERO responses..... what would you do?
Originally posted by Arkenzo
First off, don't raise your voice at me, and second, you were obviously ignoring the dude, don't lie about it, you were avoiding him, that's something people do not take kind of.

You heatware doesn't give you the right to act like a corporate ignoring bastard.

ahah "raising his voice" he must be damn loud if you can hear him from that distance:p

and if tb40.... had responded with "i have not recieved it yet" this thread would still come about because battleangel would have thought he was lying do the to DC saying otherwise.
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