talking about the different versions of vista!! oh oh.


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2006
1st. what is the cheapest version of vista that is going to have all the "eye-candy" features and all the new "vista features (new technology)" ?

2nd. do you guys think getting the more expensive no-activation version is good?
stopmenow said:
1st. what is the cheapest version of vista that is going to have all the "eye-candy" features and all the new "vista features (new technology)" ?
I'm not aware of public pricing on Vista, so I don't think we can answer this.

2nd. do you guys think getting the more expensive no-activation version is good?
Depends on the price, see above. I would not purchase one with an OEM restriction of "one OS, one mobo".
It depends on whether you "need" WinXP Pro today. Many people think they do, but then never use any of the extras that come with WinXP Pro. So in effect they wind up using only the features that are also available in WinXP Home. The same thing will apply to Vista Home/Pro. If I buy another computer when Vista comes out, I will likely get one with Vista Home Premium Edition installed.

See for the differences between the versions.

The Vista Home Editions will probably be cheaper than Vista Pro. One crummy thing is that to get Pro with MCE features you need to buy the Ultimate Edition.

So your choices are (Basic Edition, Home Basic Edition, SBE and Ent Edition excluded), in order of likely price:
Vista Home Premium Edition: 1 CPU socket support, features like XP MCE, no corporate domain stuff, no remote desktop, no IIS, uses activation

Vista Professional: 2 CPU socket support, analogous features to WinXP Pro, no activation

Vista Ultimate Edition: superset of all Windows Vista features, no activation
If I were to take a shot at pricing, going on the past as a reference and leaving the starter edition out, of course... all at the full version retail cost:

home: 199
home premium: 249
pro: 299
ultimate 349 or 399

just makes sense to price it like that. I thought I just read someone said no activation? Maybe in the corporate flavor only? Thats how xp was :\ which I hated, I would gladly pay for a retail copy of the OS that didn't have that bullshit.
I would more likely get teh Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64 because my Online Gaming name is Ult1mate x64 :D

(the gamer is an old gaming name,but I cant change it for this site and I want to keep my post and other things related to it)
the gamer said:
I would more likely get teh Ultimate Version because my Online Gaming name is Ult1mate x64 :D

(the gamer is an old gaming name,but I cant change it for this site and I want to keep my post and other things related to it)

Please learn to spell the. I have yet to see you use it.
Man... I always hate it when they come out with something new because I hate paying for the OS. So many people pirate the OS, which pisses me off.

Its like driving a car without insurance (and god knows we all hate paying insurance)... I have to pay for it, why shouldnt you? Ya know... you go to a lan party or something and everyone is like "Im running Vista Ultimate!"... the funny thing is, everyone is like 15 years old with 2.6ghz Dells. :(

Anyway, enough of that tangent, the only thing that really pisses me off is that is says this for Ultimate:

"plus adds Game Performance Tweaker with integrated gaming experiences"

I dont want to have to pay a shitload extra to gain 10fps in my games... or is that what it even means?
defuseme2k said:
If I were to take a shot at pricing, going on the past as a reference and leaving the starter edition out, of course... all at the full version retail cost:

home: 199
home premium: 249
pro: 299
ultimate 349 or 399

just makes sense to price it like that. I thought I just read someone said no activation? Maybe in the corporate flavor only? Thats how xp was :\ which I hated, I would gladly pay for a retail copy of the OS that didn't have that bullshit.

$199 seems a little steep for their cheapest offering. When XP was released it was $99 and $199 for Home and Pro respectively. Keep in mind that since that time PCs (in general), have gotten cheaper, not more expensive. Also keep in mind that Vista Home Basic will not have Aero, so unless they decide to include Luna, which so far they haven't done, it will look basically like Win 2K. Try telling some guy that paid $399 for a low end Dell desktop a year ago that he now has to pay $199 to "upgrade" it to an operating system that resembles Windows 2000, ain't gonna happen. I'm guessing that Home Basic will be no more than $99, and may likely be cheaper.

Just to throw in my guess at pricing for fun:

Home Basic - $69
Home Pro - $99
Pro - $199
SBE - $249
Ultimate - $299
Tengis said:
I dont want to have to pay a shitload extra to gain 10fps in my games... or is that what it even means?

I have a feeling it won't be anything that you can't do in the other versions through different means. It probably will be a bunch of tweaks and adjustments wrapped up in a nice interface so you can make them all in one spot. You know two weeks after it's released somebody will put out a guide on how to do it in the other versions of Vista.
ElBarto79 said:
$199 seems a little steep for their cheapest offering. When XP was released it was $99 and $199 for Home and Pro respectively.
Those were the upgrade prices, the full versions were (and still are) $199 from home and $299 for Pro. OEM prices are about the same as upgrade, and as I had an old 98SE disc made more sense for me.

I also don't think that prices of vista will be much cheaper. Just because component prices have dropped doesn't mean that microsoft's wage bill has. The basic edition might be $149, but I also don't see the ultimate edition being more than $400 retail, $300 Upgrade.
anyone else think they are making too many different versions?
I think it's a load of crap, and frankly the lowest Vista Home edition is just retarded and is going to piss a lot of people off I am afraid.

This is going to be a real nightmare to support for techs. We'll have to carry ~8 CDs just for the Vista OS alone. IT planning is going to have to step it up a notch and be sure everyone is on the same page to purchase the correct products for their enterprise. I forsee a lot of issues with this once the OS starts going mainstream. Not so much in large powerhouses, but in the small & medium business' with more than one department ordering machines.

Personally I think it should be no more than:
Vista Home
Vista Home Premium
Vista Pro
Vista Small Business Pro
Vista Pro Premium

and that is still a lot of OS versions for 1 OS, but is much more concise and too the point.

Just my opinion.

I look forward to Vista's arival in the market place and hope it is everything MS wants it to be.
Ezekial said:
anyone else think they are making too many different versions?

Looking through the matrix (ignoring volume licensing, OEM, full retail and upgrade retail differences... same coffee in different cups), MS is releasing:

Windows Vista Basic Edition (3rd world edition)
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Professional Edition
Windows Vista Professional Edition x64
Windows Vista Professional Edition N *
Windows Vista Professional Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Small Business Edition
Windows Vista Small Business Edition x64
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x64
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64

* (EU extortioN/shakedowN/unwaNted edition)

What is MS thinking?!?!? SBE and Enterprise tools should just be add-ons to Vista Professional (i.e. on CD 2 or CD 3). x64 versions of Home Basic and especially Home Premium is going to be a disaster.
Ezekial said:
This is going to be a real nightmare to support for techs. We'll have to carry ~8 CDs just for the Vista OS alone.

Hopefully there will be only one install disc, but the installed features depends on the CD Key used. This is the way that Tablet/MCE editions work now. Alternatively, I'm sure some enterprising individuals will produce a 'Super Ultimate Vista Boot Disk' ;)

pxc said:

Looking through the matrix (ignoring volume licensing, OEM, full retail and upgrade retail differences... same coffee in different cups), MS is releasing:

Windows Vista Basic Edition (3rd world edition)
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Professional Edition
Windows Vista Professional Edition x64
Windows Vista Professional Edition N *
Windows Vista Professional Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Small Business Edition
Windows Vista Small Business Edition x64
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x64
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64

* (EU extortioN/shakedowN/unwaNted edition)

What is MS thinking?!?!? SBE and Enterprise tools should just be add-ons to Vista Professional (i.e. on CD 2 or CD 3). x64 versions of Home Basic and especially Home Premium is going to be a disaster.

I don't see the point of the 3rd world edition. As soon as Vista is released someone over there will just release the Windows Vista Ultimate Bootleg Warez $5 edition, immediately rendering the 3rd world edition completely useless.
pxc said:

Looking through the matrix (ignoring volume licensing, OEM, full retail and upgrade retail differences... same coffee in different cups), MS is releasing:

Windows Vista Basic Edition (3rd world edition)
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Basic Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition x64
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N *
Windows Vista Home Premium Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Professional Edition
Windows Vista Professional Edition x64
Windows Vista Professional Edition N *
Windows Vista Professional Edition N x64 *
Windows Vista Small Business Edition
Windows Vista Small Business Edition x64
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
Windows Vista Enterprise Edition x64
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x64

* (EU extortioN/shakedowN/unwaNted edition)

What is MS thinking?!?!? SBE and Enterprise tools should just be add-ons to Vista Professional (i.e. on CD 2 or CD 3). x64 versions of Home Basic and especially Home Premium is going to be a disaster.
good god... this is just insane.
How are they going to keep up with updating that many OS'. I realize that a lot of the code base will be the same accross the versions (32bit vs 64 being the biggest difference) let alone confusing the public about what product is best for them. Not just the public either, but even IT personel. We'll have to sit and ponder what product will be needed. Lots of headaches.

IanG said:
Hopefully there will be only one install disc, but the installed features depends on the CD Key used. This is the way that Tablet/MCE editions work now. Alternatively, I'm sure some enterprising individuals will produce a 'Super Ultimate Vista Boot Disk' ;)
cool. Didn't know they were doing that with MCE/Tablet.
If that's the case, maybe we can hope there will only be a handful of CDs required and the OS installs what it needs based off the key. Perhaps a Home Starter, Home (all), Pro (all), and then devide between OEM, retail, and VL as necessary.

I even refined my list from earlier.

My new thoughts.... and then 32bit & 64bit versions of each.
Vista Home
Vista Home Premium
Vista Pro (with seperate install/addon for SB edition, kinda like the old "Plus" but better) (or install based off key for SB, still one disk)
Vista Pro Premium