Taking ramsinks off....


Jan 14, 2004
So I recently put ramsinks on my 9800 pro, and the card started artifacting, and I want to RMA the card. It is my understanding however, that you CAN'T RMA a card if there are ramsinks on. I'm also hesitant to do anything at all because last time I attempted to remove something epoxied on, I got this:

Any and all responses appreciated.
:eek: ripped the entire chip off! this is why i'm hesitant to ever try to remove ramsinks. good luck to you, though.
you caused the card to artifact. seriously, you fucked the up card dont try to be a dick and return it. id say the odds are good though that they will be able to tell that you messed wtih it even if you get the ramsinks off and wont take it back
If the artifacting started after you put the RAM sinks on, then the warranty has been voided since you modded the card.

Eat the card and buy a new one.
Little info for me, epoxy gets soft around 250 F, but the really good stuff like JB Weld is like 300 F.... You have a serious problem. Try a hair dryer or something.

Or since you have no other chance stick it in the oven and hope for them to melt......
it can be done, i've seen it, removing ramsinks that is

but you take the chance of ripping the ram chips off

if the ramsinks have been put on my thermal tape those are easy to pop off

but if by some kind of thermal epoxy, good luck :D

I hear sticking it in the freezer and getting that sucker very very cold you might be able to pop em off carefully.
From my experience i can remove epoxied heatsinks better, after using a hairdryer :)

Using a freezer also can work, but i get better results heating the sinks.

Just heat up those damn sinks... :D
and then when they recieve a broken card from an RMA, we can always pay more later. Those policies are very good and try to be fair, dont abuse them just bc _you_ messed up
If you slowly, patiently saw away at the epoxy with a razorblade you can get rid of most of the epoxy on a 1/4-1/2 of the chip then work a small flathead screwdriver into the space you made and give it a gentle twist it will pop right off.
Mistake most people make is they're not patient and dont do the trick with the razorblade and they use too much force trying to pry the ramsinks off.
Dont be an impatient dork it kills videocards.
You still have artifacts at factory speed? If not then run it at factory and quit complaining because you messed your card up.
I hadn't overclocked it at all. The card started artifacting RIGHT after I put the ramsinks on, so I froze them off and now the card runs fine.
Originally posted by TheCowBoy
I hadn't overclocked it at all. The card started artifacting RIGHT after I put the ramsinks on, so I froze them off and now the card runs fine.

Glad to hear the card is working now! :D
Yup, I was considering removing my stock ram heat sinks on my Hercules 9800 Pro.

I wanted to put on a Zalman ZM80C-HP video cooler but the stock ram heat will not let me intall the the Zalman cooler.

Somebody mentioned dremmeling the heat sinks off - oh boy :rolleyes:

Now if your video card was a 8500LE or MX440, no big deal. Even if you kill it, no big loss.

But killing a Hercules 9800 Pro would make me cry :D
Originally posted by TheCowBoy
I hadn't overclocked it at all. The card started artifacting RIGHT after I put the ramsinks on, so I froze them off and now the card runs fine.


did you use compressed air or the freezer?

what was the ratio on the epoxy?

and finally did you see where the problem was occuring, 2 much AS or were the ramsinks shorting something out?
compressed air

i think one of the ramsinks was shorting something

no problems now though