Taking a short break


[H]ard DCOTM April 2017
Mar 15, 2002
I have to move my setup around for a new roommate moving in today, so good luck Skillz, it'll be on once I have things set up in a week or so!!!:D:D:D
I'm back, hoping to have machines up soon.

Recovering slowly at home, surgery went well. Just a lot more aggressive and intense a surgery then they originally planned. Good news is I'm slowly getting feeling back in my right leg.

Hope to be a threat sometime soon ;-)
Oh, didn't see you in the top 20 so I assumed it was a different name. My bad! You got some serious hardware to add now?? :)
No kidding, I need to get my 980Ti boxes up again, that'll take me explaining to my computer illiterate friends how to build them, since I can't move around at the moment. Should be a good time ;)
Well here's to a comfortable recovery. Can't wait to see ya back up top somewhere.