"...[T]he ten nanometer test chips we're looking at now..." - Howard Marks, NVIDIA

10 nm must have been in development for a while, it takes a few years to design the new process, the machines that make the tech etc. Also I doubt it is viable yet, the cost of manufacturing has to decrease to get better price to perf.
"Looking at" to me means exploring possibilities. I definitely wouldn't get excited for anything on 10nm coming in the near future. Maybe 2 or 3 generations away (3-5 years).
"Looking at" to me means exploring possibilities. I definitely wouldn't get excited for anything on 10nm coming in the near future. Maybe 2 or 3 generations away (3-5 years).

No, "looking at" as in actual EARLY chips from TSMC R&D. Watch the video, the context for how Howard says it matters.

But I agree, pretty sure we're gonna be on 16nm for a LONG time.
I read a rumor that TSMC has taped out 10nm chips for Apple.
GPU or CPU? Because we already know that Intel is on track for 10nm consumer processors next year. GPU are a little more complex.
Nothing before 18-19 for sure.

Seems only so many die shrinks left before we have to start looking elsewhere.. that revolver doesn't have many bullets left and it gets expensive to make a new revolver when the ammo runs out..
GPU or CPU? Because we already know that Intel is on track for 10nm consumer processors next year. GPU are a little more complex.

SoC, of course. I think Apple is looking to get it out to market in 2017. I would agree that it would be 2018 at the soonest for dGPUs, though. We'll have another round of Pascal next year. But hopefully we won't have a repeat of 28nm.
SoC, of course. I think Apple is looking to get it out to market in 2017. I would agree that it would be 2018 at the soonest for dGPUs, though. We'll have another round of Pascal next year. But hopefully we won't have a repeat of 28nm.
Ah, that makes sense. SOCs are never on my mind, but always on my feet.
If I remember correctly, the big issue is that TSMC 20nm was a trainwreck for everything but SoCs, and was cancelled for big GPUs. Hopefully that was just a one-off thing and we'll get 10nm on schedule and without issue.
I have some of that sound deadening foam he mentioned, on the wall in my lab. It works quite well to reduce noise from fans, helium compressors, and various other items.

At one point it was looking really dirty so we replaced it. While the walls were bare waiting for the new stuff to go on, the noise drove me and everyone else I manage crazy.
Cool video, looks like Nvidia needs to give more space for these machines, looks kinda crowded but really the results probably speak for themselves on Nvidia accomplishments. Some 5s ing maybe in order but why wreck a good thing.
Cool video, looks like Nvidia needs to give more space for these machines, looks kinda crowded but really the results probably speak for themselves on Nvidia accomplishments. Some 5s ing maybe in order but why wreck a good thing.

I work in a place where that 5S stuff is making the rounds... while I appreciate a clean home and work environment, I also realize that certain groups of people (the hardcore nerds/scientists) that are actually doing this cutting edge work will keep things as it suits them. When a system works... you don't mess with it. It's kind of like: do you want me inventing some cool 10nm GPU shit... or do you want me to waste my time drawing a cutout of a broom so people know that the broom goes on the wall hanger?
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