System Restarts Randomly...Possible High Temps???


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2003
I just built a new computer; AthlonXP 2500+, DFI Inifinity, 512MB DDR400, GF4 Ti4200 AGP 8X.

It plays games fine, but sometimes, it just restarts. I think it might be because of high temperatures, maybe? After the restarts, I check in BIOS and the CPU temp is usually around 52-54C. That's too high right?

It's stock speed, stock cooling, stock everything.

I can understand if it's the temps because the HSF had to be removed a few times and placed back on, which caused some of the stock thermal grease to smear and become blotchy.

Could high temps be the problem though? I don't get any errors, it just restarts.
I'd probably say power supply, but that's becuase I'm paranoid. What's your PSU wattage and make? That temperature seems a bit high, but not shockingly so in my opinion.
My PSU is the stock one (350W) that came with my Antec SLK3700AMB case. Though, I really don't think it's that, but who knows?
52-54c is not too high for that processor.

Here's what you do to test if your temps are getting too high:

1) Download Prime95 or any other Burn-In CPU intensive application that will put the CPU at 100% load for an extended period of time.

2) Run this application and monitor your temps in your hardware monitor of choice. Motherboard Monitor (MBM) is a good one, and Sandra is alright too, although some people don't trust its readings. There will also be some proprietary software for your motherboard, like Asus' PC Probe and Abit's AbitEQ. You can try a monitor like that if you want.

3) Watch your temps at idle (nothing running) and then check again when your CPU has been under load for atleast 10 minutes.

For an AMD, the safety range tops out at around 85c, but if you ask anyone around here, including myself, that's about 30c too hot.

55-60c under load is my personal max, but it's up to you to decide what you're comfortable with.

Good luck!
Kit, I'm thinking it might be your video card, I had the same problem with my card. I have a 4800 and my rig rebooted all the time randomly like you said. I was poking around in the BIOS and took my AGP speed down to 4x and disabled Fast Writes and it ran like a dream.

It kinda pisses me off cause I'm not using all the gumption that the last of the moheicans has. (the TI's...*tear*)

Somthing to think about.

Most people follow the rule that if it's stable, it isn't too hot. What's your case cooling? If that's in check, try reseating the HSF.
Alright, I got a couple blue screens today too. Stupid know.

I just turned it down to 4X, so I guess we'll have to wait and see if that was it.

Thanks, I'll keep you guys updated.
Damn, I don't want bad memory.

When I unzip MemTest, I click install and choose my 2nd partition (D:) but then the window just disappears after that and the instructions say "Linux Only"
When you run install.bat, you have to install it to a floppy.

It runs without booting an OS. Boot the floppy you make with the program.
Quote from an MS info site: The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or Stop 0x0000000A errors are able to be generated by both software and hardware issues. The message indicates that a kernel mode process or driver attempted to access a memory address that it did not have access to.

Memory collisions. Your video card driver is suspect. I would look in that direction if your memory passes muster.

Some cards don't do well with sidebanding expecialy if your aperature is set too high. After you test your memory do some home work on your video driver and your card's known issues.
Alright, I'll use the external burner that's laying around the house somewhere and burn a bootable MemTest (or the MS version) CD on it.

Ever since I turned my AGP 8X down to 4X, I haven't had any errors. That might be it, but I still want to run MemTest.

Also, about the artpeture, it's set to 128MB, the same size as the video card memory.
This has happened to me before also. Right after I bought my RAM.

What you need to do (If this is the problem)
Make sure your RAM (if you have 2) are not Dual Channelled, Unless they are the same thing.

If this doesn't help, Sorry. Just my 2 cents.
Alright, a few things.

My friend took off the stock grease that came with the HSF and put on some AS3 which took off about 5 or 6 degrees, but I still get the errors.

Also, I just ran MemTest (though only for 1 pass) and I didn't get any errors. I'll run it again for the night.

I'm thinking it might be the video card drivers because I've heard they've been a little problematic. I dunno really.

What should I do now?

Oh and by the way, I don't get a lot of restarts anymore, it's mainly blue screens now. Some that IRQ NOT LESS one, a coulpe other times it said some system files were the proble. I'll write them down next time.

I'm running WinXP Pro.
Ironicaly I just develped the same issue. I checked my event logs and determined it was a driver issue. I went nuts until i realized that i had not updated my sb live in forever. I updated and bang no more issues.

By the way go to start<my computer<properties<advanced<start up and recovery and then uncheck auto restart.
Hmmm, you know that might be it.

I have an SB Live X-Gamer. I'll download the Creative drivers for it.

I'll tell you what happens.
By the way if your particular model ( I run a platinum) uses the disc detector and the task bar, make sure you update those as wll not just the driver
Alright, I went to, chose my model, and downloaded the drivers. About 23.3MB total. Only a few of those MB's were actual driver files (all I installed). The file I downloaded was universal for all Live! cards (I checked) but when I installed, it detected that my card was a Live! Value and so far, no blue screens or anything *fingers crossed*

Lets hope that's all that needs to be done.
I was able to identify the specific portion of the files that caused my issue. The Creative Task bar files. In my case, there is an incompatiblity releative to the video drivers. Problem was resolved by the update so I suspect you will be ok.

You cards archetecture is indenticle to the value it just comes bundled with a ton of games and thus the title X gamer