Switch Problems Please Help :(


Jul 12, 2003
So I'm trying to get my 16 port Linksys Switch to work but doens't seem to be working. Currently I have the switch hooked up to my linksys uplink port and into port 16 of the switch. I have another computer hooked up to the switch. What my problem is, is that the computer that is hooked up to the switch says "Limited or no connection" And when I do an IPConfig /Release and then a /Renew it says that it can no find the DHCP.

So what I'm wondering is how the crap do I get the computer that is hooked up to the swtich to be able to use it on the network? The current internal network IP range is 192.168.1.XXX but when I looked at the IP on the computer that was pluged into the Swtich I get 169.XXX.XXX

I did plug in a computer to the cable that is going to the uplink and it saw and go onto the internet just fine, so I don't understand why the swtich and the computer on it can't get the correct IP address from the DHCP

I hope someone can shead some light onto my problem and help me fix this issue. Thanks
... so you have a 16 port switch, at least 2 computers... and what else?

Some wild guesses, is there a button, or switch next to the mentioned uplink port should have something like "x" or "=" next to it. Which ever it is near, flip it to the other and then see what happens. Or if you have a cross over cable handy try that.
you either need 2 ips from your isp or a router between your switch and modem
killa62 said:
you either need 2 ips from your isp or a router between your switch and modem

That would most likely be handled by the above mentioned device with the "uplink port" which I asked the OP to expand on.
I used a cross over cable before and it never worked, this was about 2 years ago. I'm now back to my old setup. I never had to have 2 IP's from my ISP when I had it hooked up last time. I have tried the switch's 16th port with both MID and MDIX and still noting.

I had this setup working 2 or so years ago and it worked just fine. I just don't remember how I had it hooked up. I think it was from a normal port on the router to the uplink port or port 16 on the switch.

Currently I use a normal patch cable. I can't for the life of me figure out why the computer that is hooked up to the switch doen't communicate with the router's DHCP and why I can't see the other 3 computers on the network that are pluged into the router currently.

I tried asking linksys but they are no help at all. I'll do some tinkering and reply back later today.

But currently the setup I get the computer that is connected to the switch saying "limited or no connection" and I can't see any of the computers on the network, and I have the wrong IP internal IP Address. its 169 rather than 192. Thanks for the help guys
Malk-a-mite said:
... so you have a 16 port switch, at least 2 computers... and what else?

Some wild guesses, is there a button, or switch next to the mentioned uplink port should have something like "x" or "=" next to it. Which ever it is near, flip it to the other and then see what happens. Or if you have a cross over cable handy try that.

Nope the uplink port on the router is automaticly changed the ports config. I believe that's what linksys said. But I have also tried this with port 1 on the router to port 16 on the swtich and still get the limited or no connection and still get the wrong IP address

I know the cable is working because I pluged it directly into a computer and got the correct ip address and was able to get online. But when I pluged the cable back into the swtich and pluged the computer into the swtich I get the 169 IP address and I can't see any computers that are connected to the swtich. I connected 2 computers to the swtich to see if I could get it to work well it didn't :(.

I'm at a loss I don't know what is wrong. I'm pretty sure the swtich works but it has been in storage for almost 2 or so years.

Thanks for the help guys
Don't plug the cable into the uplink port, just plug it into one of the ports on the switch.

LoStMaTt said:
Don't plug the cable into the uplink port, just plug it into one of the ports on the switch.

Did that and no lights light up on the router at all, so its not soing connection or anything, I pluged it into port 1 of the router to port 1 of the switch :(. I'll try the uplink and see if I get lights.

Ok when I pluged it into the uplink on the router i get all the lights showing connection. and on the swtich I get all 3 lights as well. Not to see if everyhing works. Should I power cycle my Router so it will hand out IP's to all the compuers?
So this is what I get so far

When doing IPCONFIG /renew it says
"An error occured while renewing interface local area connection : unable to connect to your DHCP server request timed out"

the computer is still given an IP address of 169.254 all the computers that are connected into the Router have an IP of 196.168

When going into windows Local Area Connection it says
Status: Limited or No connectivity

In the support tab of windows local area connection it says
"You might not be able to access the internet or some network resources. This problem occured because the network did not assign a network address to the computer"

I ping my current network 192.168 and I get this message
"Destination host unreachable"

So what the crap is going on with this setup?

I have the Router's uplink port to the swtich port #1 and the other computer is pluged into port #2 on the switch. All the ligths light up on both port of the switch. And all lights light up on the router. If I move from the routers uplink to port #1 I don't get any light.

So the problem so far is the computer can't connect to the damn DHCP of the router for some odd reason.

Can someone please help me before I go insane :(.
any ideas as to what is going on with my current router / swtich setup?
Can you give your computer on switch port 2 a static IP address in the 192.168. range that you have your router on.

Once you do that ping the router and tell us what it says.
your switch has to be plugged in to your router
as i said before
if you do

it should work
killa62 said:
your switch has to be plugged in to your router
as i said before
if you do

it should work

the switch is pluged into the router as stated above. its pluged into the uplink on the router becasue if I pluged it into port 1 on the router none of my lights light up unless I move the cable to port 16 on my swtich which is an uplink. I will go give the computer a static ip and then ping the network. and see what it says.

I have it pluged like this


And its not working Can't connect to the routers DHCP for some reason.
ok I did a manual config rather than auto and I pinged the network. I get
"request timed out"

It sends packets but does not recieve anything :(. I guess my next task will be to plug the cable into port 1 of the router and port 16 of the swtich. I'm pretty sure that's what I did last time but I don't remember. And see if it works.
I would really like to get this swtich to work because I'm going to be building a File server and its going to be connected up to this swtich. so I would really like it if I can figure out why its not working correctly :(
So anyone have any ideas as to why the computer on the Swtich does not see the others? is my Switch TU? I have pluged 2 computers into the swtich and I get nothing, they can't see eachother. I might be taking it to a lan party on the 30th so I can further test it out and see if it works.
Well tomorrow I'm going to a Lan Party. So I shall see if the switch even freaking works. I still can't get it to work with my Router :(. So Yeah not sure why its not getting the info from the DHCP on the router. GRRRR......Stupid swtich/router combo and not working. I have tried everything lol.
didn't get it to test it at the lan party. So anyone have any ideas as to why I can't get the computer to connect to the net and DHCP through the swtich?