Switch from Server 2008 R2 to Windows 8?


Limp Gawd
Dec 8, 2006
Currently I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 running Hyper-V. I host a WHS 2011 VM along with a couple other VM's used for downloading and processing video files. I have a home audio system throughout my house and when not listening to FM I hook a laptop in for playback, but that is kinda annoying. I wanted to use my server so I don't have to setup a separate dedicated box, but Server 2008 doesn't support audio (tried some fixes). Would it be worth it to switch and run Hyper-V on Windows 8. Then create another VM to RDP to for playing music.
Have you tried installing the Desktop Experience feature on 2008 R2?


Adds all the codecs and WMP (which by all means you don't have to use).

I had issues with MusicBee not playing mp3 files in 8R2; installed the Desktop Experience feature and it worked fine after.

You'll also have to start the Windows Audio service and change the startup type to 'Automatic' ('Disabled' is the default).
I tried the Desktop Experience, but that did not help. I also tried installing the audio drivers again and verified Windows Audio service is running, but No audio output device is installed it says. It does show sound device under device manager.
I did get sound working, but Hyper-V doesn't support audio passhthrough from the VM's. This was added in Server 2012 and Windows 8 with the enhanced session mode. Switching to Windows 8 might be the only option if I want to keep everything on the same machine. Unless I bite the bullet for Sonos.
I did get sound working, but Hyper-V doesn't support audio passhthrough from the VM's. This was added in Server 2012 and Windows 8 with the enhanced session mode. Switching to Windows 8 might be the only option if I want to keep everything on the same machine. Unless I bite the bullet for Sonos.

No, this works in 2008 R2; I did it a month ago (before switching back to 7 for my host OS).
RDP'd from R2 host to 7 guest VM (same box) to listen to music. It's the only way Hyper-V will play audio out of a VM.

When I put together my new system, I made a VHD of my prior system to use in Hyper-V in the meantime until I could do a full app re-build. And I did just that....had all my mp3s in my 7 VM (on a HD passed through to the VM), so when I wanted to listen to music, I had to RDP from my R2 host into the 7 VM to get the audio to play.