Swiftech H20-220 Edge Liquid Cooling Kit $249 w/FS at CrazyPC

Is it me or does it seems more cheaper to buy all components separately. I cant say as I have never bought water cooling supplies.
Is it me or does it seems more cheaper to buy all components separately. I cant say as I have never bought water cooling supplies.

ya I didn't bother looking up exact prices but I would guesstimate $80 for the special rad that takes a pump, $80 for the pump, $50 for the cheap version of the XT, $20 for fans. $10 for tubing and hydrex.

and whats a rad box going for now a days? $5-10?

So about the same cost as the sale and less than msrp. But i could be off on prices i haven't been looking for water cooling parts in the last 4 months
if you buy the same part separetly, same rad except its QP version it cost about $100 less, the rad is the cost that drive up the price because it able to mount a pump. but this will save room for those complact atx box. still $100 more for basically same setup