SUPER-Anti-Spyware removal issue

Feb 6, 2006
I have been trying to uninstall SuperAnti-Spyware for the last lil bit. I am using Win 7 32/64bit version, and I tried first to go about removing it the obvious way and going into Add/Remove programs, but it wont show up on my list. So then I tried Revo Uninstaller Pro, and it is not showing up on the program list in that app either. So I am not sure what to do now. Can ijust go through a manually delete it ? what would be the best way to go about it, and making sure I get all the entries out of the registry for this program ?

So any thoughts on how to fix this without manual removal ?
Why not re-install it, then run the uninstaller? Some files/registry entries in the original installation might have been deleted or corrupted.