Sun Netra X1 Server . . . What to do??


Jan 31, 2003
Hey Everybody,

I just bought a used Sun Netra X1 Server. It's running Solaris 8.

I really dont have any plans yet. I'll just be learning. It will be my first Solaris system.

I've also read that you can install Linux on it. I know Linux much better than Solaris.

What should I do with it? Any suggestions you have please.
Hey PlusLabs. . . I know you have 3 of them. Got any suggestions? (if you see this)
Since you're comfortable with Linux, I'd stay stick with Solaris and have one more thing to add to your resume. It really isn't all the different than Linux anyway. The concepts are the same, just a few quirks like configuration file locations and stuff like that. You can get Solaris 10 for free from SUN, I've heard pretty good things about it, mainly that it's much faster than previous versions of solaris.

Solaris 10 for SPARC
Yeah stick with Solaris. All my experience was on UltraSPARC workstations.