SUGO sg07


Mar 12, 2010
The new case from Silverstone, NEW IMAGES





You can see the famous "Air Penetrator" placed below the big fan that wasn't there in the lastets reviews showed in Cebit2010 and CES 2010.

Just a strange feature is the plain back instead of some vent holes over where the I/O shield is.

Out for ¥428
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still would like to see a full size optical drive in these cases

hehehe, I like how PCHOME just slapped their own watermark over bit-tech's images.

Funny how Silverstone's and Langear's designs are so similar. I guess the best designs just converge to a singular being.
I dislike how its much bigger than the old SG05/6 & it looks like they havn't redesigned the front. The front just doensn't appeal to me.
I think they should make a SFF case designed for the Corsair H50 or other integrated water cooler. This case doesn't have the clearance for a full tower so most of the space under the fan is a waste.

There is room to mount a FULL ATX power supply over the motherboard and then the front section could be filled with 3 x 3.5" drives along with at least 4 x 2.5" drives cooled by the H50. A full size optical would still be a bit to long but if you made the case 1" longer and 1/2" shorter everything would fit. (checked in SketchUp)

So if you made a case like this 1" longer and 1/2 shorter with an H50 and you could fit:

4GHZ i7
HD 5970
5.25" bluray burner
4TB raid 5 with three 2TB green drives
SSD raid 0 with up to 4 2.5" SSD's
TX750 or similar PSU
H50 cooler

Except that right now the only 1156 board on Newegg that has >3 sata is an H55 board. H55 could probably still push an i3 to 4.5GHZ which would also work great.

Better than limiting it to 2x3.5" drives, slim optical and a custom power supply IMO. The case will also be expensive, I'm guessing $150 cause it includes a 600W power supply.
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An H50 could cool an i7-860@4Ghz fine BUT no ITX board can cope with that CPU @4Ghz

And if you're willing to spend on a 4 SSD array...why would you care about the price?
Ok, a low power i3-530 and 5x3.5" drives, if you make the case 1 1/4" longer and 1/2" shorter. Also switch the 5970 for a 5850.
If you're someone with six hardrives in you're desktop for 1080p rips than fitting five HDD's in a case slightly bigger than this would be cool.

With the 30GB and 40GB drives for so cheap a crazy triple raid could be fun and faster than a x25-m.

Aren't these new in-post adds great? They're less annoying than most sites but still...
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Im looking to use this motherboard with this case. That is unless Asus comes out with a ITX motherboard around the same time.

How much can one expect to overclock an 1156 i7 to on that Gigabyte?
wouldn't expect much. I think it just has 3 phases, for overclocking the DFI MI p55-T36 seems to be the best bet (max 180BCLK without HT)
wouldn't expect much. I think it just has 3 phases, for overclocking the DFI MI p55-T36 seems to be the best bet (max 180BCLK without HT)

Nope it has 6 phases. I just hate where theyve put the CPU socket. There are going to be heatsink and GPU compatibility problems.
Just out of curiosity, why do some people want to have 5.25 optical drives in their mITX builds? I've got a slim-line drive in my SG05 and there really isn't anything missing, except that the drive doesn't eject the tray all the way. Is that what people are missing? Automatic tray movement?:confused: I'd rather have a tiny box then an automatic drive tray I'll use once a month.
Full size drives are a lot faster in my experience. And last I checked, a lot cheaper.

I personally think this SG07 looks hideous too, I plan on getting the Lian Li instead. Bigger, but much more pleasing to the eye.
Nope it has 6 phases. I just hate where theyve put the CPU socket. There are going to be heatsink and GPU compatibility problems.
Yeah, it's a huge problem...even more so with the SG07 since putting in an H50 (the best cooler) will be a challenge

Interesting that it only used 4pin too.
I still don't see why a second thread was started just for the SG07 but for you 3DChipset:


Another picture, courtesy of Doesn't really add all that much, but a picture is a picture.


What I don't get is why somebody doesn't just get a ruler and measure the damn thing to put us all out of our misery :p

EDIT: Looks like somebody did - I give you the LegitReviews... review.

If you can't be bothered to follow the link, the SG07 measures 222mm x 190mm x 350mm or 8.7" x 7.5" x 13.8" (W x H x D).

Sticking that in, the difference isn't all that massive height/width wise (although it's obviously much longer):

What do you guys think?

(from the previous Silverstone SG07 thread)
That was the price shown at PC Home, don't know how much it is in $, but just seems to be really cheap
when the hell is this case coming out? its already the end of May. and now I read somewhere that its going to be $300 USD. WTF.
Hi, I have been waiting the SG-07 for a very long time. Ive been holding
off on buying my parts because of this case. Can I please get a release
date and price estimate? I originally heard is was going to be around
$180-200 but now Im hearing people say its going to be $300. Thanks.

From Silverstone.


The case got a little delay but it will make it by the end of July and the
price will be under $200

Thank you"