Suggestions to optimize my folding rigs.


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2010
I'm very new to folding, I just started a few weeks back on spare work computers, that we bought for projects that were then canceled right after they arrived.

My current setup is odd to say the least. I have Three i7 860 HP. One is running Windows 7 x64, another Server 2008 x86, and the last is running ESXi with a Linux based folding, I downloaded the image from

The ESXi box needs to just be reinstalled, as its only pulling 3712.3PPD, while the Windows based boxes are getting 10948.4(win7) and 10481.6(2008).

Then I have a DC7700 with a E6400 running XP 32 with 2GB of ram pulling 1417.1PPD.

I guess what it comes down to is what is the best OS, and folding conf to optimized PPD. I can't OC the PCs as they are stock HPs, and might be needed for a project in the future.
How much memory is in each of the I7's? I think that a stock 860 will complete a bigadv unit in time, but you would need at least 4Gb of memory to try it, preferably 6Gb.

If you can run bigadv, you'll do better with native Linux of some variety, with no GUI or the GUI shut off. I use Ubuntu because I can actual get it to function (sort of - wireless is my newest frustration with it.) As long as you are plugged into a network and can use DHCP, it is pretty easy to set up.

If you can't run bigadv units due to not enough memory, you may be better off with some Windows variety. I've heard 7 is faster and i have heard XP is faster and I have no idea about the Server variants, so I doubt it makes much difference. It sounds like the two Window's based PCs you are running now are doing about what they should on A3 SMP units, so I really wouldn't mess with them unless you have plenty of memory and want to try bigadv units.

The E6400 is doing about as good as it is going to do the way you have it now.

Welcome to the [H]orde!
Server is the best out of the MS choices.

Id stick with A3. -bigadv will probably be more trouble than its worth. I'm not so sure you will hit the limit and 4gb would need a light linux install and your cutting it super close.
Aright, thanks for the tips if I swap the ESXi box to windows I should be around 33k PPD pretty good boost.
That is a nice little borg farm you have going there.
