Suggestions for low power games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 17, 2004
I recently got an ultra portable (1Ghz C7, 1Gig ram, 40Gig HD). I don't actually expect to run FPS's or 3D games on it but i'd like to get something to pass the time. I figure i can get some older games to run on it.

Can you guys give some suggestions? WinKawaks works great on it btw.

PS: Anything other than tetris please.
darwinia maybe? or uplink? SNES/NES/SEGA emulators are always a good choice too.
Thanks for the suggestions, i completely forgot about the SNES >_<

Nice. Gonna dig up my Diablo2, i'm sure i still have that here somewhere. I also remember a friend having Nox, maybe i can get him to give it to me.

What other old 2.5D games are out there? Doesn't have to be fast paced, it's only a mini laptop. I'm gonna be hunting the bargain bins soon and i'm not sure what they have there.

I did try HL1 and it worked ok. My hand will probably cramp on the micro keyboard tho so i'll have to pass on the FPSes :p

As for the video, it's a VIA Chrome9, it's a midget in the power department. I don't think it'll work on anything more demanding than HL1.

What do the guys with the eee PC's play on their's?
Sim City (the original one)
Ancient Art of War
Heretic (the original one)
Lost Vikings

Also, try Oregon Trail, it might work on your pc.
Deus Ex should be able to run well on your machine. It's less of a twitch game than most FPSs, so it wouldn't be so bad to play it on a small keyboard. Plus it's an awesome game.

Also, there's all the old 2D RPGs, like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, etc.
Crysis? XD nah, try some emulators OR the good old pc version of pacman. they stopped distributing it after a while, but i still have it. i can send it to you if you want (like 3 mb big) but its a real addicting game and its like, it never ends lol
Older RTSes are great for machines like yours. Try Red Alert 2, Age of Empires 2, Rise of Nations, and other similar games.
Yeah i remember a few great rpg's like Diablo and Nox. We don't get games like those these days do we?

The surge of eee type PC's could mean a revival of older games. It's turning out there were a lot of games i missed. :)