Suggestions for a Handicapped Gamer


Jul 8, 2004
Good friend of mine is in a wheelchair..Tonight was at his house and showed him a couple DODs (Day of Defeat Source) things..he wants to play...

Problem....He broke his neck many years ago, and has limited use of his hands...he can use a computer, and a mouse, but more of a hunt and peck sort of way.....

I would think a joystick for his left hand may work ,if we bound the keys/buttons just right....or maybe a Large key pad.....I figure he could be an MG (machine gunner) cuz their stationary most of the time....

Any Suggestions you might have would be VERY helpfull..I don't know where to start.....
thanks, i'd like to get him something for Christmas.
Exactly how good/bad is his dexterity? You may want to look at input devices designed for preschoolers. Seriously.

BTW, awesome that you are trying to help him out like this.
definetly cool that you are trying to help him out, the more gamers we have the better!

MG would definetly be a good class for him to start with, and as he improves he can move on to diffrent classes.

you might also want to look into some other games that don't require as much movement / coordination like age of empires III etc.
See generally
or more generically

Trackball for some stuff?

The xkeys can be set up so you get a larger cover covering multiple buttons.

Also larger 'buddy buttons' might be handy.

From my UT days, I know that sniping was a lot easier when I had the Y axis cranked down. You may have to dig in configs, but having different x and y might be handy.

I always wanted to grab one of these programmable xkeys thingies, but other things always soaked up available cash. I did pick up a zboard claw side pad thingie. That's been working out ok for left-hand fps. My old nostromo didn't do it for me.

I use a program called Voice Activated Commands in IL2FB and in HL2. You can find it here:

With VAC he could control most or the game via voice, and use his hands mostly for movement in the game. It's worth taking a look at, and you can D/L and use it for 30 days before you have to pay for it.
compslckr said:
definetly cool that you are trying to help him out, the more gamers we have the better!

MG would definetly be a good class for him to start with, and as he improves he can move on to diffrent classes.

you might also want to look into some other games that don't require as much movement / coordination like age of empires III etc.

spoken like a champ

and cheers to u
I used to do all of my fps gaming with a joystick/mouse combo, included the non-source DoD. It would certainly bring down the finger dexterity requirement for overall movement in his left hand, and would generally allow him to game more in the wrist.

The Voice activated command program used in conjunction with a few other methods seems like it could translate well for your friend.

Let us know how things work out for him. With some feedback and trial and error we can find the perfect and most comfortable combination for him.

Good luck, and as said, it's really awesome you're helping him out like this.