Suggestion for which CPU to get


Nov 26, 2005
I am trying to upgrade my Athlon 64 3500+ with a Core 2 Duo. The thing is I'm trying to decide which CPU to get.

I was thinking of getting the 6750, but now I'm thinking of getting the 6550. I am mostly going to game and doing daily things such as email, browse, music, movies. So I was thinking, should I just get the 6550 and spend more on the videocard? Will I noticed any real difference between those 2 cpu's? I am planning to overclock to around 3.2ghz also.

I'm going to be using the Scythe Ninja Plus Rev.B for the heatsink.
The differences really aren't that major and the video card will probably have a bigger impact on your gaming. None of your tasks are really processor intensive, so if anything I'd get the E6750. However, if you're putting the extra money towards an 8800 Ultra from a GTX with a 19" screen...then I'd find something else to spend money on or pocket it.

The E6750 will have a higher multiplier, which will make overclocking a little easier. With the E6550 you'll need a FSB of 457 to get 3.2. With the E6750, you'll only need 400. So if you got the RAM and the board that can do those FSB, then go for the E6550.
Well I'm not really going to go for the Ultra or GTX. Just maybe the GTS 320mb will probably fit me fine.
Get the cheaper of the two, and OC to make up the difference.

Please get an 8800GTS 640 rather than the 320. Please.
How come? I'm only going to be playing games at resolution no higher than 1280x1024.
Also since the E6550 has a multiplier of 7x would that make it harder to achieve a 3.2ghz than the E6750 with 8X? Like would I have higher temps/voltage because of this?
get a Q6600, overclock it to 3Ghz and it will last you forever. (not really, but a LONG time)

Its got so much power you won't need to upgrade for years.

When / if it starts to get slow get better cooling and overclock it past 3Ghz
What are the other parts you plan on getting (mobo/ram)? I'd suggest the Crucial Ballistix DDR2-800 2GB kit for $110 - $47MIR. They can reach DDR2-1066 speeds easily, which will help with whichever chip you decide on (especially the E6550).

The E6750 could reach much higher than 3.2Ghz with a Ninja, a P35 board, and some ballistix. Though, 3.2 is probably near its max on stock voltage (1.35v). I can reach 3.8Ghz @ 1.55v, 4Ghz at 1.6v. For 3.4Ghz, its just a slight bump to 1.45v.
we'll i already have 2x1gb gskill ram (ddr800)
mobo is either ds3r or abit ip35-e
i'm not looking to max everything out and try to get the best speed. just enough to play many of the newer games/coming soon at high or possibly max?
we'll i already have 2x1gb gskill ram (ddr800)
mobo is either ds3r or abit ip35-e
i'm not looking to max everything out and try to get the best speed. just enough to play many of the newer games/coming soon at high or possibly max?

Any core 2 duo should be fine for that purpose. You'll be more GPU limited than CPU limited with any Core2 chip.
There is only a $20 difference between the E6550 and E6750 (Newegg) so why not get the E6750 and have the extra power just in case you need it later on.