suggestion for an upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2007
hey guys... im pretty new here.. n im completely a noob... let me give u an idea.. i bought all the parts n it took me - a job that should take only 4 hours or less - 2 weeks... lmao

well i built a new comp with the $3500 that my dad gave me for my birthday.. n recently my parents gave me $800 to go buy some clothes n stuff.. thigns i need...

i have enough clothes.. so i decided to pour more money into the comp. but i dont know what to upgrade or what more i can do with it...
heres wat i have so far.

Dell 22 inch LCD monitor

CoolMaster Full Tower (its huge...23lbs.. it has seven 20mm fans in it..)

BFG 680i SLI Mobo

BFG 1000 Watt Powersupply

Two BFG 8800 GTX (SLI'd)

Creative Labs Fatality Gamer Sound Card (something like that)

4 Corsair XM2 6400 1Gig Ram (total:4 gigs)

7.1 surround sound by Creative Labs

Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 (bad choice... my stupid friend convinced me to get it.. i shud of gotten a quad.. ugh)

320 GB Seagate Hard Drive

150 GB Western Digital Raptor Hard Drive

Windows Vista Ultimate (My dad just ordered 4 copies of it)

i think i listed it all...
it comes out more than $3500... i think $4500... cuz i put my money in it too..
n i didnt know about newegg.. so i bought couple stuff at compusa.. that place rips u off..

well anyways... wat more can i do? i want to make this into a super gaming computer..
any suggestions?

i have $800 rite now. i dont want to spend more since i plan to use only what my dad gave me n not my own...
You have high end components from what you listed. But, in my shoes I would have spent less on the PC components and maybe emphasize more on a larger higher resolution monitor like a 24". Asus P5N32 E SLI Mobo. The 4 gig RAM I would have settled for just 2 gig DDR2 1066 modules or DDR 2 800. A Coolermaster CM Stacker 830 case. Power supply I would be content with a 750 or 800watt power supply. Get 1 x EVGA 8800GTX card for now, an E6600 cpu because of its high overclockability, 150 GB Western Digital Raptor Hard Drive and a 400 gig SATA internal HD. Creative Labs X-Fi Fatal1ty pro sound card. But, in regards to your setup now, the best thing is to overclock it for more performance.
You DO NOT need a quad cpu. For gaming, it is mostly worthless right now, by the time quads are good for what you will be doing, the currrent quad cores will be outdated.

Overclock your E6600, that is a fine cpu man! If you want to spend more money, watercool that rig, is my suggestion.
um this would be the moststupid question ever...

how do u overclock?

i hav this comp. n im not even getting a good use out of it.. sigh..
Hang around the forums, and learn to overclock that 6600.

When you're done, watercool that sucker and you will have a machine money can't buy :)
Duel 24 inch monitors, or 22's would of been my upgrade of choice
Or a westy 37 inch
i hav a 22 inch.. n it makes me dizzy.. since its so big... anythign bigger would kill my eyes...