Suddenly can't log into WinXP


Jan 1, 2001
Got back from the movies tonight and my parent's computer wakes up to the WinXP profile picking screen as usual, but when I clicked on my profile, it began loading, playing the wav and showing my background, but then went to a logging off screen, putting me back at the picking screen. It did this on my mom's profile as well. I could get into my Dad's like normal, but after I restarted, I couldn't. I've gone through safe mode (with and without networking), last known good config, same problem. Even logging on as administrator in these other boot options kicks me back. This is a legal XP Pro install on an older machine (1ghz athlon tbird, 512mbram). My dad said that a message popped up saying that "N-Case" had been uninstalled (might have said this had been done by an outside source), and that some programs might not work correctly, and that it could update itself with an internet connection. Dad figured it was a virus or trying to sell him something and cancelled it. This happened before I got home. So what's going on? Is there a virus scan I can run without being logged in a profile, or is this another problem?
norton cds are bootable... if you have one that is...

other than that, i dont know, sounds like time for a reinstall anyway...