Stuttering/lag on Windows 10


Jul 20, 2015
When I scroll websites, look at google maps or do other light tasks, I get insane stuttering and lag.
For example when I type "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" first it works well but after short time it starts stuttering and then after a bit longer it hangs for a few seconds and then throws out all the "h's" that were missing.
I tried updating my graphics driver but it didn't help much (I think it did improve slightly, but still the stutter is present).
Any idea what I can do? I don't really feel like reinstalling everything.
Does task manager show a high amount of CPU or GPU usage?

What all do you have running on your computer?

Did you recently install something before this started happening?

Are you sure you don't have some sort of virus/malware/keylogger?

What happens if you disconnect from the internet.. like unplug the cable?

What happens if you boot into safe mode?
Does task manager show a high amount of CPU or GPU usage?

What all do you have running on your computer?

Did you recently install something before this started happening?

Are you sure you don't have some sort of virus/malware/keylogger?

What happens if you disconnect from the internet.. like unplug the cable?

What happens if you boot into safe mode?

No the cpu/gpu are barely being utilized.
Nothing special running, just software for keyboard/mouse/antivirus/steam/etc, small apps.
I don't really install new apps, I mostly just install those I use as soon as I install Windows and the new apps I install are all games.
I have an up to date paid antivirus, I don't think it's a virus.
I haven't tried the last two suggestions, I'm not at home.

Worth mentioning is that there is no performance impact in video games. They work normally.
Could be an IRQ storm. Never had to deal with this in Windows but it can sure f-up a BSD distro and have similar symptoms. I dont even know how to check for excessive IRQ's in Windows....going to look now.
I will try that when I get home.
I don't think it's the keyboard, the lag is present even when I'm scrolling internet pages with my mouse.
Try a different browser as well. On 10 you should have at least 3 options (Edge/IE/whatever you install)
I would recommend Firefox with greasemonkey and several addons to control Anti-Adblock Popups, Ads and basically give yourself back control of your web browser and experience.

There is a lot you can do to reduce all the back ground bs browsers do.

Also consider inoculating your hosts file and turning off all the data collection Windows 10 does. There is a massive amount of overhead going on with Windows 10, Web Browsers, etc that causes lag and general mayhem.

Once everything is tweaked to satisfaction, you can image the drive and store it away until you break something which is very easy to do.