stupid question


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2001
i replaced the dead hard drive in an old computer (8 gb) with a new maxtor 7200rpm 80gb one. however, the computer fails to detect the new hard drive. i've already rechecked all the connections, so could it be the 140w power supply that's causing the problem?
It's definitly possible that the PSU is the problem, 140 Watts is pretty small. Also, like ecxeleron mentioned, make sure your motherboard supports larger drives.
It should recognize the drive even if it does not recognize all of its capacity.
Are you sure the old drive is dead and that this is not a motherboard failure ?
There is a jumper on the back of the hard drive to limit it's capacity, as seen by the motherboard's hardware. I'd give that a try to see if it clears things up.

Good Luck - B.B.S.