Stupid People Should NOT Use Waze

And if the Uber driver's using Waze and these stupid people are to stupid to get out...Darwin wins again!
[Insert Tide Pod Challenge here]
Did somebody say..........tide pod challenge?

The major feature about Waze over other navigation apps is that you can edit the map & routes as a user. This was probably caused by someone with ill-intent and/or humor.
Waze has tried to vector me off of a main thoroughfare onto a series of side streets with stop signs every 100 feet TOO MANY TIMES for me to actually trust it. I still use the app, but just for traffic reports.
A terrorist would have said that Waze told him/her to plow into pedestrians.
I remember a year or two ago seeing stories about GPS's routing drivers to subway tunnels. I also remember seeing footage of one who actually drove down into one. Guess not much has changed.
Many years ago I had a Mio Moov M400 GPS. and the maps were so bad that it would tell you to drive into the reservoir via an old road that stopped at the waters edge, and follow that to a nearby town down a road that is totally under water. The reservoir flooded a whole town when it was constructed in the 1930's but the maps Mio used never reflected that slight change.
I'm sorry. but, I have been using GPS since GPS existed - they simply don't do this. ever. I've had them tell me to go onto a ferry, but never have I ever had them put me into a lake. There are pieces of this story that are missing.

Better GPS systems using deep learning methods in order to figure out what is road and what isn't a road without somebody having to manually enter ever vector for every lane. This means if some people had some sort of telemetry and their phone sent to whoever provides waze their database...maybe have been ice fisherman and the system thought there may be a bridge there. =P Thus..some unlucky SoB had a surprise in store. Whle there are some negatives on this system, have near real time updates to roads is very useful especially when something like a major interchange is getting reworked.

But either way, the driver is an idiot.
It's not just waze. Tom tom has a boat ramp near me listed as a road and an old road which has been underwater for 65 years as a viable route.
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I'm sorry. but, I have been using GPS since GPS existed - they simply don't do this. ever. I've had them tell me to go onto a ferry, but never have I ever had them put me into a lake. There are pieces of this story that are missing.

Well then youve been lucky or you just dont go outside your local area much. I have had GPS tell me to do all sorts of things that were unsafe: Drive into lakes (old road, old map in gps), drive off cliffs (bridge wasnt done yet but was already on the map), go down wrong way streets, etc etc.

I had Apple Maps direct me to a graveyard and then tell me to walk 1.5 miles to someone's house one time (it was night time and raining, even better) rather than use the actual roads to get there. So I can believe that Waze fucked up. Nothing is flawless.

Article says it was dark, rainy, and foggy, and that they were tourists to the area. If they were using bluetooth directions and not actually looking at the map, this seems believable enough to me. I'll bet they pay closer attention in the future.

One word for the graveyard thing: Vampires!

Now onto the TFA: If its dark, rainy, and foggy I slow down - ESPECIALLY if I am a tourist in the area. Just how fast were they going that they couldnt stop once the road starts dropping so fast? Higher than the speed limit I bet - which typically gets much slower as you approach an area with a boat ramp.

It's not just waze. Tom tom has a boat ramp near me listed as a road and an old road which has been underwater for 65 years as a viable route.

Lake Berryessa? I think it has a big spillway now thats killed some people. That the one near you?
If an app tells you to turn into a lake, you have to be REALLY stupid - not just stupid, but nearly brain dead; you're a fucking slug - to see that body of water and do it. Ice or not. There is no excuse.

Their story--and you can believe it or not--is they didn't see the lake due to bad weather, and I think it was dusk or night already. Having been in New England snowstorms at night, I'm willing to at least entertain the possibility that they may not have realized they were going onto a lake until it was too late.
Their story--and you can believe it or not--is they didn't see the lake due to bad weather, and I think it was dusk or night already. Having been in New England snowstorms at night, I'm willing to at least entertain the possibility that they may not have realized they were going onto a lake until it was too late.

So, like driving on Mario Kart only looking at the map. It doesn't work that well. I've tried. If visibility is that bad, I wouldn't be looking at a device, I'd have my eyes glued to the road, and would be able to react to any problems with a reasonable amount of time. Go slow. If you see a lake and don't have time to stop, you're going too fast.
Waze is a god send when traveling up and down I-35 in Texas between Laredo, San Antonio, Austin,and Dallas. I don't ever use the app for directions but simply leaving it running in the background gives me accident reports and cop sightings well before I get to them. It's made driving around Texas so much smoother.
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