Stuck pixel won't go away


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2016
There is a stuck pixel on my monoprice monitor and it won't go away. I have been running that jscreen fix thing for hours. Any ideas on how I can fix it?
Try not to look it and learn to live with it. I'm quite serious.
It is a new monitor. This shouldn't be happening :(
You often can't fix stuck pixels. It's likely there forever.
That sucks. I thought that stuck pixels were fixable, just dead pixels weren't. It got better when I ran that jscreenfix thingy on it, but it didn't totally go away.
It is a new monitor. This shouldn't be happening :(
Huh? Quite significant amount of allowable dead pixels actually accepted in all modern panel manufacturer standards. So they will try to sell it to you.
Ultimately its up to you whether to accept such or take advantage of consumer protection laws/seller return policy. But don't wait for return period to run out - because if you do, you will be stuck with it forever (manufacturer won't accept such as defect under warranty policy).

That sucks. I thought that stuck pixels were fixable, just dead pixels weren't. It got better when I ran that jscreenfix thingy on it, but it didn't totally go away.
Its ultimately up to what caused it not to switch. If it was liquid crystal simply not filling giving cell (creating air bubble), massaging will fill it and fix it.

If its failed/defective thin film transistor (stuck either in open or closed state), no amount of tinkering will fix it.
return it if you can or exchange it if possible thats a Legit reason for being a customer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
return it if you can or exchange it if possible thats a Legit reason for being a customer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if they have a policy on stuck pixels that are acceptable, he will have to pay a restocking fee most likely.
I pushed on it and it went away for the most part, but I can still see it a little bit. I am hoping that it will get better, but that was a good sign.
have you never owned a lcd before, for any of the many systems you say youve built?! this has been happening since lcds first came out. all screens have allowable dead/stuck pixels some up to ten. you cannot claim defect, you might exchange with restocking fee but could end up with another one. so...

push a little harder and massage it a little.
Don't do this. Pushing on an LCD screen leads to bruising and then you have a worse problem than the stuck pixel.


Rubbing and sharply tapping the pixel are last resort options and even then you have to be careful with it because you can screw things up worse.
you guys have never done this yourself have you? this method has been used for years. ive done it myself dozens of times. it can get a stuck pixel going but dead pixels are dead, period.
you guys have never done this yourself have you? this method has been used for years. ive done it myself dozens of times. it can get a stuck pixel going but dead pixels are dead, period.

I have though the last time was years ago with LP2475w monitor. Pixel got stuck and i fixed it with rubbing and tapping. It works, but you just cannot be careless with it. Dont turn green and go hulk mode with your thumb.
I wonder if CC is trying to get into the Guinness book of records of most issues to have with a newly built system even though "he knows what he does "
Hi All

To OP 1 pixel shouldn't be a big problem. I'm speaking from experience. My current monitor came with one stuck pixel, however it was the only flaw I could find with it. I tell you the honest truth that after a day I no longer noticed it. Today I would have to purposely look for it, to see it. I suspect the same would hold true for you.
I've seen problem pixels come and go before. IME most 4K displays (in this case televisions) have at least one, sometimes 2 or 3. If they are not in the center and are off to the edges I just ignore them if everything else with the screen is OK.