Stuck on VGA light issue, won't post - x670e system


May 11, 2016
Asus X670E-A
Ryzen 7700X
RTX 3080

Today, when waking my PC from sleep, as normal, the screen stayed black and the case fans were a little worked up, like when booting the system. I thought it might be restarting, but it just stayed like that for a long time. So I powered off at the PSU and powered up again. It didn't seem to move past the memory training stage, so I opened the case and saw it was stuck at the white VGA light.

I removed the battery, power cable, and held the power button down for a while, then restarting. The issue persisted.

I had upgraded the BIOS to the latest version a day or two before, so I thought that could be causing the problem. I downgraded the BIOS using Flashback and tried again, but the issue persisted.

I next tried removing the GPU and connecting my monitor to the onboard graphics port, using an HDMI cable instead of the DP cable I normally use, then powering up. The issue persisted.

I then tried removing everything but the CPU and soundcard, and powering up. I got the orange DRAM light.

Then I tried with only one RAM stick installed, and I got the white VGA light again.

Any tips on what could be the issue, and what should I try next?
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Asus X670E-A
Ryzen 7700X
RTX 3080

I removed the battery, power cable, and held the power button down for a while, then restarting. The issue persisted.

I next tried removing the GPU and connecting my monitor to the onboard graphics port, using an HDMI cable instead of the DP cable I normally use, then powering up. The issue persisted.

I then tried removing everything but the CPU and soundcard, and powering up. I got the orange DRAM light.

Then I tried with only one RAM stick installed, and I got the white VGA light again.

Any tips on what could be the issue, and what should I try next?
You need to also short the pins when attempting a cmos reset, that part was not stated. Follow the manual.

remove the sound card, there is no need for that when testing.

Try following the clear cmos procedure after reading it in the manual, remove the sound card and try this again. You could also add just the video card in.
Oh yeah, I did press the clear CMOS button on the back of the MOBO. I guess that'll do the same thing. I have't seen a mention of jumpers for it in the manual, maybe the rear button replaced them.
Oh yeah, I did press the clear CMOS button on the back of the MOBO. I guess that'll do the same thing. I have't seen a mention of jumpers for it in the manual, maybe the rear button replaced them.
Most boards have a pin set for clear cmos. You may have a button also as a convenience feature. But I’d consult the manual and follow the procedure there.
Not really a lot else to check, unfortunately. You can try reseating the CPU, but I'm not sure that will make a difference. I'm running the same board with a 7950X, and the older BIOS's from back when I first got it (going on a year and a half ago or so) had a really REALLY slow POST, but they eventually posted. The last several BIOS revisions have always booted considerably faster, though.
I contacted Asus, told them everything I've tried, and they said they'll send me an advanced replacement sometime in the next 10 days, not counting shipping time.

But I need a computer to work on and I gave my old PC away, so I might buy an old PC locally to use as a backup.
I contacted Asus, told them everything I've tried, and they said they'll send me an advanced replacement sometime in the next 10 days, not counting shipping time.

Good that they didn't just give you the old runaround. Maybe there is some hope left for ASUS support. :rolleyes: