Stressing Switches


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
We are looking into upgrading switches at work for a bunch of agencies and we have widdled it down to 2 so far. We would like to see how both of them run when under heavy load. Is there a good packet or traffic generator that can do this? We are going to run these in an isolated environment, that runs in windows hehe no linux here booya ::sarcasim:: thanks
There is a (free) program called ttcp that does bandwith testing; to me, testing bandwidth and generating lots of traffic are just about the same thing, so this should do what you want, and cheaply. There is a Windows version called wsttcp (get it from here )

Maybe you could use this on a few hosts to beat up on your switches.
interesting, though we would want to keep this internal and isolated from the outside, we may just set up a test environment with multiple pc's and just ahve them pull a linux iso from the server. our switches support RMON i just found out so I just need a way to manipulate it. Anymore ideas would be much helpful. thanks so far.