"Stream Direct TV" Scam?


Nov 13, 2004
I'm filing this under "too good to be true" but at the same time, thought I'd make sure.

I've seen these programs before and found (after long hours of searching) trials of the program or real reviews that explained waht it is. But, I cant find it on this product, all I find are reviews claiming this is the best thing since sliced bread (my money is on these being plants) or at worst saying "it's a good deal for your money"

What I suspect:
There are dozens of "local" channels that are free online (mostly crapshoots that show college-student-made programming, local news, etc) and foreign channels that I have no clue what are showing since I only fluently speak English. Again, emphasis on the "free" keyword --- in essance the program is just a directory of these channels.

What it claims (and I wish were true)
Getting actual big-4 channels (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) that show real programming, implying it can get channels like SyFy, etc (cable/satellite channels) Which I know _DO_ offer live streams through real services like Direct TV/uVerse/etc (but I'm 99% sure aren't going to give away the content free, or for a 1-time fee of $50

Anyone have experience with this product? Anyone know of a similar product (even a monthly-fee based one for ~$10/month or less) that really DOES stream live TV?

((Note: yes, I know there are places to watch Series X, Y, or Z online both legal, grey, and downright pirated, I am not asking about those. This is for the non-[H] family/friends who want old-fashioned non-on-demand TV on the web))
DirecTV's broadcast signal is encoded in such a way that it requires one of our (I work for them) receivers with the proper decryption keys to watch it.

The receiver and decryption keys are tied to your access card, which is in turn tied to your DirecTV account and what packaging your pay for.

If there is no DirecTV account, with valid access card in the system telling the receiver and physical access card inside it what it can properly display, the receiver will not decrypt the signal.

This has nothing to do with them (AFAIK) that's the pit that most people fall into, it's not "Stream (the service known as) Direct TV" its "( a service called) Stream Direct (giving you) TV" Which is another reason I figured it was a scam

The actual URL (for those wondering or confused) is:

(personally all those dashes make me think it's a scam too for some reason....)
I'm betting this is just a front-end for stuff you could find available on the web on your own.....streams, user generated casts, shared uploads of shows and movies, etc. - in your categories of legal, grey, and downright pirated.
Ah, I misread/understood your post.

I'd still say it's a scam, considering what companies like DirecTV, Dish, Comcast, etc... have to pay broadcasters for the rights to broadcast the signal of the big networks (ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS), not to mention the pain of conforming to the FCC Rules and Regulations on broadcasting locals. Then the cost of rights to broadcast national networks like FoxNews, SyFy, etc...
Grey-area methods are the only way for now
Ah, I misread/understood your post.
I'd still say it's a scam, considering what companies like DirecTV, Dish, Comcast, etc... have to pay broadcasters for the rights to broadcast the signal of the big networks (ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS), not to mention the pain of conforming to the FCC Rules and Regulations on broadcasting locals. Then the cost of rights to broadcast national networks like FoxNews, SyFy, etc...

I've only seen 1 program (which AFAIK is no longer available due to being severely out of date) which did offer streams of real TV. It was illegal because what it did was take advantage of TV Tuner cards hooked to Cable/satellite and grab the signal and stream it. Of course this still limited you to whatever channel that card was viewing/set to, so there were limited options and there were fewer HTPCs then so it was even more limited. (Not to mention I'm 99% sure it was against the cable/satelite TOS and most people weren't willing to risk losing their service and possibly getting sued to provide free TV to the world (since they got NOTHING back for it, not even "upload credit" like BitTorrent sites today give)
Looks like a bunch of BS to me. I ran across the site a couple of months ago and it's just too good to be true.