Strange win7 error


Mar 14, 2012
I am fairly new to windows 7. When I started playing crysis 2 the game minimized down and there was an error saying that I am using up too many resources graphically. It also mentioned switching to windows 7 default theme. I am using a third party theme. Is this normal? I did not see and significant drop in performance when I was playing crysis so I'm assuming it just doesnt like this thrid party theme. I disabled the error message.
Have you noticed any lack of performance on your machine?

Are you using a 3rd party theme? If so did you use a UXtheme patcher?

What are your specs?
Further research, it seems that it may be some sort of DX11 bug. Most recommendations were to disable Aero entirely, but I feel it is unecssary because I have more enough resources it run Cry2 with Aero in the background.

Currently at work but will do mroe testing when I get home. I would love some more insight though.
Just happened again. Here is a screenshot if anyone is curious.

This is a strange problem that happens with all the Windows versions, including Windows 7 and more other version. their is main promblem window 7 automatic shutdown that problem very serious problem for microsift. So solve this problem immediate at posible.
If it's not causing any problems, then you can just choose not to have the message displayed again.

I did but it still re-appears.

When it appeared again I ended up choosing the "Basic Color Scheme" option. Which is fine. It doesnt change my 3rd party theme only Aero cosmetic features. I prefer the winXP simplicity style anyway. There is no need for a window preview when you hover on a taskbar item, which is like the only difference I noticed.

I previously disabled the minimzie maximize animation and show window contents while moving.