Strange password XP Pro problem


Jun 10, 2004
So I reformatted my PC which was running WinXP Pro. Re-installed Windows and everything was going without a hitch.

It gets to the part where it wants you to imput user number one. I type in a name and hit enter.

It goes to the welcome screen and pops up that username I just entered and asks for the password.

Huh?????? It never asked me to supply a password. None of my usuals work, enter doesn't work, admin, administrator, etc...doesn't work.

I go to safe mode and both the Admin and username are displayed. Nothing works for admin either.

I've done this on more than one occasion and have NEVER SEEN THIS HAPPEN!!!! I've always been prompted to enter an initial password for the main account.

At no point during the XP setup did it ask me for a password of any kind. The only thing I had typed up to that point was the seriel number.

The message says that its not part of a domain or whatever when it fails. I haven't set up any domains yet. I haven't done nothin.

Do I need a password cracker? Or is there some other thing I need? Any links to good crackers?
blanks. blanks? How and why could it be blanks? You mean spaces? If so, how many spaces? Spaces are actual characters if I'm not mistaken.

If you mean did I leave it blank and just do 'enter' the answer is yes for both.
You got bOoya-d. Try reinstalling again.This is abnormal Windows behavior or you are using a pirated disk.

get yourself the ultimateboot disk from the website of the same name use the passoword breaker and there you go. Or reinstall your choice.

since you've never gotten in then just reinstall... its not like your gonna lose anything other then 30minutes
It was a flawed installation. I have had that occur once before. A quick reformat and installation should take care of you. It skipped several steps during installation in my previous experience, and it sounds exactly like your situation. Don't waste time trying to fix it, just nuke and redo. HTH.
hulksterjoe said:
since you've never gotten in then just reinstall... its not like your gonna lose anything other then 30minutes
Winner. In the time it took for you to post, wait for a response, then reply you could have fixed this.
Thats great. I'll redo the installation. Thanks to all who responded and especially for setting me on the right path for making better use of my time.
there's many little programs that you can use to change admin passwords.. but its too late for that now i guess