strange monitor behaviour...


Feb 9, 2002
Hi guys..

My friend's screen is behaving quite weird during the last days... It's a quite old PROVIEW 17" Crt screen (nothing special... Very low quality)..

The problem is that there is a constant movement, which really harms your eyes after minutes of work!! At first you might not see it, but actually it's very noticeable and evident.. In two words: It's very irritating!! I started worrying about my eyes' health!!

No magnetic stuff is near it... I took away any speakers, magnets etc....
I tried to change the refresh rate,resolution, or color depth, but NADA.. Nothing helps...

Do u have any idea what's going on??? :confused: It all happened suddenly..

Or maybe the monitor is becoming too old??

Any help would be greatly appreciated... We have nothing to lose!!

Thanx in advance..:)
well if there is no EMI (and I would make SURE there wasn't anything near it especialy FANS) then the electron gun or other major part is starting to go in the could be the flyback transformer or the high voltage lines as well but I would NOT go poking around in there and if the display is several years old go get a new one