Strange CRT Issue


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2007
I brought a used dell p991 19 crt about a month ago. I used it for a week. No problems. All was great. Then I decided to fool around with another of my monitors, so I stored it for about two weeks. Kinda near a subwoofer.. Yeah I know, not too bright me of.

Well, a week ago I plug it back in. The monitor warms up fine, has good sharpness, great contrast ect, except for this issue..


Vertical lines at 1600x1200 (and only at 1600x1200. Refresh rate has no effect on the appearance of the lines). They look like scan lines but not as defined. Sometimes they bother me, sometimes they don't. I ve degaussed my monitor at least 3 times using the built in degausser, but that has not done anything for me.

Leave it sitting for a while, use a degaussing wand (beats the built-in one) or Google around for maybe another solution.

For reference: subwoofers and CRTs do not mix :)
Pretty sure the main issue w/ subwoofers is the magnets which can cause discoloration & warping on a CRT, But vertical lines not so sure, maybe try another VGA cable? (if its removable).
Pretty sure the main issue w/ subwoofers is the magnets which can cause discoloration & warping on a CRT, But vertical lines not so sure, maybe try another VGA cable? (if its removable).

VGA cable.. maybe. I am thinking more of the gun alignment. I have seen that cause lines before, though those generally run in the horizontal plane.

Unless this monitor has been knocked around a lot, I don't really see what else could have caused it. Maybe someone else knows, or else there's the amazing CRT repair FAQ (google it) :D
Thanks for the replies.

I m going to check the vga cable again. See if anything is bent or loose. Its attached to the monitor though, so having it replaced would be a pain.

So far it shows no signs of being near death, and it looks great. I m probably just going to keep using it.

I ve got a back up dell p1130 in reserve. It has a noticable blue push (keep in mind I m a bit picky) that I haven't be able to fix.

But hey, these things are all 8+ years old. I m glad I can still bask in some crt goodness....
find some bar magnet (normal medium strength, not super crazy neodymium ; ) ) and now goes magic: one magnet pole will not have very large impact on screen when you get it near screen but it will screw up colors moment when you remove it. Other pole will have reverse effect, it will make colors crazy when it's close but somehow it repairs image when removed. You you can use it to reverse some or even all damages.

Just remember not to overdo it ;)