Still worth getting Nexus 4?


Sep 3, 2011
So I'm in the market for a new mobile, and I loved the look of the Nexus 4 when it first came out, and now that my current contract has expired I'm eager to get me a new phone. But the N4 still costs the same as it did when it was released, and I'm worried that there's a new Nexus phone down the line.

I've heard rumours about it the new Nexus but I'm not sure whether I should hold out on it for the time being or just go ahead and buy the N4. I don't keep up with tech news enough so perhaps you guys could shed some light on this? Cheers.
If there is a Nexus 5 it won't be available for purchase until late Nov. and no one knows the cost. The N4 at $300-$350 before tax and shipping is still a steal for the phone. I've had mine since mid Dec and it's great.

If you need a phone now I would say go on and order it... if you don't mind using what you have for a few more months then wait it out. I think the official specs and price will be announced early Nov
It depends on whether you want LTE. If LTE is not required, the N4 is still a great phone.
As long as your current phone isn't a total POS and you can live with it for a few more months, I would hold out for the next Nexus. The N4 is still a great phone for the price, but I'm betting the next Nexus will (officially) support LTE and will hopefully have better storage options, as well as a considerably spec bump in every other area.

But I suppose that if you got the N4 now, you could still sell it for $200-$250 and get the next Nexus for another $100 or so, so it wouldn't cost much to upgrade. An unlocked Gnex still goes for around $200 on swappa.
Probably worth saying I'm in the UK, so LTE/4G over here isn't the greatest, I struggle with 3G where I live half the time! I wouldn't be interested in grabbing a 4G phone for at least 18 months. T4rd that seems like a good idea, I suppose if the N5 turns out to be pretty good than I can always sell off the N4.

The phone I have at the mo is a HTC Desire S on it's last life, the thing keeps crashing out of the blue. Thanks for the help guys.
Zorachus' ears are tingling, hes probably speeding down the roads in a hurry to answer this.
Unless you get the pricing that makes it an unchallenged value in the US I would pass on it.
Agreed. Lack of LTE never bothered me. Just be prepared the N4 is a bit lacking in battery life.

Luckily there is a new hybrid modem out that combines the ability to use the LTE band of the old modem and the latest updates of the most recent modem along with an easy one step flash installer. Heck the rom chefs even incorporate code that lets you flip 4G on and off at will if you are running one of these modems.

I have been using it wit nigh a hiccup and the latest hybrid modem is even better.

As for battery life, unless you sit on your phone ALL DAY LONG then yes, you wont get 18 hours of screen on time. I use approximately 2 hours of screen time ,stream music in the car for 2 hours per day, and listen to music at work streaming over wifi for another 2 and come home with 60% battery life.

We have two of these phones and I cannot say a single bad thing about it.
How fast do you need a new phone ? Nexus-Five is rumored to be available in October, for similar Nexus 4 pricing, rumored to be based off the LG G2.

I'd bet on October launch, each new Nexus phone is typically released 11 months later, not a full year;

Nexus One = January launch
Nexus-S = December launch
Galaxy Nexus = late Nov / early Dec launch
Nexus 4 = early Nov launch
Nexus-Five = rumored late Oct launch
I just got a Nexus 4 about 2 months ago and I am very happy with it. The phone is quick has a very nice screen, is thin and light (imho anyways). Web speed has been great as its far faster on T-mo than my (oh-so-crappy) home broadband. I get good battery life, better than I expected, but was basing my expectations on a phone using Spring that was always signal-hunting.
The n4 is a good phone but i wouldnt buy one right now. I sold my note 2 and am back with my S2 until the N5 comes out. Cant wait to get a new nexus phone. Google take my money already
Nexus 4 just dropped $100 here in the states. If you can pick it up for $250 then I'd do it before they go out of stock
I agree. $199 is an amazing price, even considering a new nexus.
The next few months appear to have several phones on the horizon, to me worth waiting.
The phone has its flaws but for $200? jeesus, that's a cheap way to outfit a family with a high end device!
Getting an N4 for my gf... Getting mom a iPhone 5S... I wonder if my GF would cry about unfair treatment...
I just bought one about a week ago for $100 more. Guess I'm going to have to return and rebuy or beg for a credit :/
I need to look into att pre paid. I just had the biggest hassle at t mobile and im done with that company
Hahaha what impeccable timing... £199 in the UK. Will nab one at the weekend when I get paid. Not really that fussed about the new Nexus 5, anything is an improvement from my Desire S and you gotta commit to buy these things sometime.

EDIT: And while I'm on the store gonna get me a new Nexus 7, anyone got one of these yet? Never had a tablet before and I need something to keep me from sleeping on the daily commute.
The N7 is a nice tablet....take a look at the N10 if you have a few extra bucks laying around. The large screen is nice if you a) have the money and b) the space to carry it. They're both great tablets

And the N4 is definitely still worth it....especially at that price. $250 is low enough that I'm tempted to ditch my Gnex.
I need to look into att pre paid. I just had the biggest hassle at t mobile and im done with that company
ATT sucks, especially with the unlocked CDMA phones. Whatever hassle you went through with Tmobile is worth it if AT&T is your only other option.
ATT network doesn't work with CDMA phones in US. T-Mobile and ATT are GSM in US.
ATT network doesn't work with CDMA phones in US. T-Mobile and ATT are GSM in US.
My bad, I meant to say GSM. AT&T has problems getting the unlocked GSM phones up to speed on their network. If you go over to XDA those of us with Nexus phones have had a hell of a time getting the HSPA+ speeds up to where they should be. When I was on T-mobile I was pulling 7.5 down, on the same phone with AT&T I barely get 1.5 down even after their IMEI and porting tricks. My dad's iPhone pulls 5 down next to my phone. AT&T can EAD for all I'm concerned.
The N7 is a nice tablet....take a look at the N10 if you have a few extra bucks laying around. The large screen is nice if you a) have the money and b) the space to carry it. They're both great tablets

And the N4 is definitely still worth it....especially at that price. $250 is low enough that I'm tempted to ditch my Gnex.

I'm getting me a laptop soon so I'd rather the money went to that, plus for when I'm standing on the train the N7 will be easier to hold than the N10.
I need to look into att pre paid. I just had the biggest hassle at t mobile and im done with that company

Ive been on the new att prepaid line for a month and havent had an issue with it yet, but im not using a nexus4. Not like it matters much, buy a month and see how it works for you, if it sucks go with a MVNO.
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If you go over to XDA those of us with Nexus phones have had a hell of a time getting the HSPA+ speeds up to where they should be. When I was on T-mobile I was pulling 7.5 down, on the same phone with AT&T I barely get 1.5 down even after their IMEI and porting tricks. My dad's iPhone pulls 5 down next to my phone. AT&T can EAD for all I'm concerned.

Most times it's because the APN was entered incorrectly, or you're on the wrong plan. As a former Nexus owner and AT&T account holder, I can tell you I was getting full speed for HSPA+ when I had my Nexus. Most of those people complaining either had:

A - The wrong plan (LTE data plan with an HSPA phone, Medianet, etc)
B - An old SIM
C - An incorrect APN
D - AT&T is just slow in their area.

Before AT&T went LTE, T-Mo was consistently faster around my area (NY/NJ), but their coverage was shit, and their building penetration was awful. 15mb/s down, but the second you walk into a Target, or a school, you'd have no signal whatsoever.

Now, don't get me wrong... I despise AT&T, and they can eat a dick for many, MANY reasons, but this isn't one of them.
I get barely any signal at home, like -109dbm in my room. Id hate to go to page plus because then im only getting 3g, att is my last hope for 4g
Thinking about getting a 8GB N4...for those of you with this model, any problems with storage? I usually upload any pics I take, and I rarely video anything. I only have a few games on my current phone.

Also, is the camera that bad? I know the iPhone one is more than decent, but some say the N4 camera is total shit...true?
Most times it's because the APN was entered incorrectly, or you're on the wrong plan. As a former Nexus owner and AT&T account holder, I can tell you I was getting full speed for HSPA+ when I had my Nexus. Most of those people complaining either had:

A - The wrong plan (LTE data plan with an HSPA phone, Medianet, etc)
B - An old SIM
C - An incorrect APN
D - AT&T is just slow in their area.

Before AT&T went LTE, T-Mo was consistently faster around my area (NY/NJ), but their coverage was shit, and their building penetration was awful. 15mb/s down, but the second you walk into a Target, or a school, you'd have no signal whatsoever.

Now, don't get me wrong... I despise AT&T, and they can eat a dick for many, MANY reasons, but this isn't one of them.
If it were that easy there wouldn't be a massive amount of people on XDA searching for a solution on both phones. This is certainly a reason why Nexus owners are unhappy with AT&T.
Before AT&T went LTE, T-Mo was consistently faster around my area (NY/NJ), but their coverage was shit, and their building penetration was awful. 15mb/s down, but the second you walk into a Target, or a school, you'd have no signal whatsoever.

Now, don't get me wrong... I despise AT&T, and they can eat a dick for many, MANY reasons, but this isn't one of them.

I live in Ann Arbor and work in the Detroit suburbs, I ran into the same thing with Tmobile on my Nexus 4. Coverage was good, speeds were good (15-20mb/s down), but as soon as I walk into a building I got nothing. And good luck getting anything other than Edge or roaming traveling outside of SE Michigan. I switched to ATT Gophone and have been satisfied. I'm only getting 5mb/s down, but I get coverage over almost the entire state and no issues in buildings. I'm not doing anything crazy with my phone so 5 down is good enough at the moment.
Well, I just dropped my N4 from pulling my wallet. The phone was stuck to my wallet and I pulled it out quick enough that it flew out. It had the dreaded spider web cracking of the front and the touch controls were unresponsive.

I looked up replacement costs and figured it was cheaper to order a new n4.

And also one of these guys:

I was using one of these: It worked well until it fell forward and landed on the screen. So... now going with a dual layered protective case.
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