Still Old School... Need AGP card...


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2001
Hey, Guys,

My Radeon 9600 Pro just died on me. I'm looking to get a new card for <$200 CAD (<$175 USD) but don't know what to get. I was starting to get "behind the times" when I got this 9600 Pro 2nd hand about 2 years ago, and I haven't kept up at all with hardware since then - so I'm even further behind the times, now.

Well, as I said, I'm looking to replace it for <$175 USD, and although I am an avid ATI fan, I'm willing to go with nVidia (only because ATI's linux drivers and support are pathetic).

I'm an avid gamer currently on the World of Warcraft binge. From what I understand, ATI still provides better visual quality, while nVidia provides more performance for similarly priced cards - though I don't know if this general rule still applies.


Anyways - I'm looking for a few suggestions - consisting ATI and nVidia cards - and WHY you would recommend the card you are recommending... as well as any advantages/disadvantages/known issues for each that you list.

Thanks a bunch.

- Nalorin
In my opinion AGP these days if you want higher up is quite expensive, i'd rather buy a PCI-E vid card. =*( though sadly i am still using AGP like you...and i dished out quite a bit for a X1600XT 512, it works great and all and can play pretty much all games at 1024x768. Though if its not urgent, i'd suggest saving your money and for your next system buy a better one.
here is a good site for reference since i believe you reside in Canada like myself.