Steve Wozniak Delivering An iMac To A Fan

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The best part about this video is when the girl says "weren't you on Dancing with the Stars?" That's right folks, that is how today's teens know Steve Wozniak. :D
I probably would have loved to tell him to take that POS back and that I don't want that iCrap...
Damn, I'd love that. Even if it is a Mac, I'd love to meet Woz. Seems like one hell of a guy.

Dancing with the Stars? I thought he was on the Kathy Griffin show... (Wife watched that...).

This is why I love Woz and dislike Jobs -
In 1973, Jobs was working for arcade game company Atari, Inc. in Los Gatos, California.[10] He was assigned to create a circuit board for the arcade video game Breakout. According to Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell, Atari offered $100 for each chip that was eliminated in the machine. Jobs had little specialized knowledge of circuit board design and made a deal with Wozniak to split the fee evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Wozniak reduced the number of chips by 50 by using RAM for the brick representation. Too complex to test at the time, the fact that this prototype also had no scoring or coin mechanisms meant Woz's prototype could not be used. Jobs was paid regardless.
Jobs told him that Atari gave them only $700 (instead of the offered $5,000), and that Wozniak's share was thus $350.[11] Wozniak did not learn about the actual bonus until ten years later, but said that if Jobs had told him about it and had said he needed the money, Wozniak would have given it to him.

Jobs ripped him off, but Woz was a nice guy and would have let him have the money anyway. Woz is a nice guy, a real genius, and seemed to always be in the shadow of Jobs. But, he didn't care (or he didn't care much). Just a real stand up guy.
Damn, I'd love that. Even if it is a Mac, I'd love to meet Woz. Seems like one hell of a guy.

Dancing with the Stars? I thought he was on the Kathy Griffin show... (Wife watched that...).

This is why I love Woz and dislike Jobs -

Jobs ripped him off, but Woz was a nice guy and would have let him have the money anyway. Woz is a nice guy, a real genius, and seemed to always be in the shadow of Jobs. But, he didn't care (or he didn't care much). Just a real stand up guy.

Wow, what a scumbag.
If he came to my door:

Steve: Hi, I'm here to deliver this thing, I uh, Don't know what it is, but here you go... ugh... are you ok?
Me: Yea, why?
Steve: Uhh... do you know who I am, my name is Steve.
Me: Um.... OK, yea I recognize you.
Steve: um.... ahhh.... ok.......... bye.... *runs away crying*
The man that created the home computer, and we remember him from Dancing with the Stars? And yes ladies, he's more important then Steve Jobs.

This is sorta on topic Netflix now has the "Jobs" Kutcher movie now on there lineup and watched over the weekend. That bit about the 700.00 was in it as a previous poster mentioned. Movie was ok, the guy that played Woz sucked bad. Pirates of Silicon Valley was much more interesting to watch with better actors.
The man that created the home computer, and we remember him from Dancing with the Stars? And yes ladies, he's more important then Steve Jobs.


Why do I suddenly have the urge to motorboat?
... he's more important then Steve Jobs...

Please do not pollute a Waz post with that poser name.

Waz is probably the [H]ardest dude alive on the planet, if not ever.

The fact that he is such a nice guy on top, makes him out of this world.
The best part about this video is when the girl says "weren't you on Dancing with the Stars?" That's right folks, that is how today's teens know Steve Wozniak. :D

As opposed to when I was a kid, Steve Wozniak had just left apple, and the answer to "who's Steve Wozniak?" was "what? who?"
Also, WTF with the video quality? I was expecting this to be some odd archival thing making the rounds with him whipping out a candy colored CRT all in one. You know, because of the high quality VHS recording.

I'm pretty sure at this point you have to make an effort to find something that takes video that bad.
"Oh I know who Steve Wozniak is, he was on dancing with the stars" - non nerds

"Steve Wozniak was on dancing with the stars? WTF is that?" - nerds
Also, WTF with the video quality? I was expecting this to be some odd archival thing making the rounds with him whipping out a candy colored CRT all in one. You know, because of the high quality VHS recording.

I'm pretty sure at this point you have to make an effort to find something that takes video that bad.

ya I was thinking the same thing

I love all the apple hate on here

anyway, Woz is awesome, would love to have a conversation over lunch or something with that guy...
I love all the apple hate on here

I dislike Apple as a company. Their products aren't that bad, really. I don't care much for OSX, but iOS is great. Hardware is great (other than the lack of upgrading and customizing).

But, we hate it because we're afraid of change. :D
I'd love the chance to meet Woz. And also gawk at his Nixi tube watch. Oh, and of course talk with him about tech and his bag of many things that he loves to carry around.
I dislike Apple as a company. Their products aren't that bad, really. I don't care much for OSX, but iOS is great. Hardware is great (other than the lack of upgrading and customizing).

But, we hate it because we're afraid of change. :D

dunno, I got tired of working on my PC, bought a mac pro tower off craigslist for $250 with a nice ATI card in it, a pair of quad core xeons off of ebay for like $60, 120Gb ssd I had laying around and 16gb ram from a fellow [H]'er...

total investment <$350 and it runs windows 7 quite nicely :)
Why is Woz not running Apple? I don't understand..

He would make a GREAT CEO.

No, he would make a terrible CEO. A lot of people that are engineers at heart suck as CEOs. Unless said engineer was an asshole, then maybe.

I probably would have loved to tell him to take that POS back and that I don't want that iCrap...

Bullshit. Say what you will about Apple, but you wouldn't refuse free stuff, especially coming from such a beloved tech celebrity.

Also, WTF with the video quality? I was expecting this to be some odd archival thing making the rounds with him whipping out a candy colored CRT all in one. You know, because of the high quality VHS recording.

I'm pretty sure at this point you have to make an effort to find something that takes video that bad.

That was taken with an Android cam :p (I kid! I kid [galaxy nexus owner])
Let me see if I got this right...

Wozniak brings an iMac to a female fan of Apple.
Jobs brought brand new cars to female fans of Jobs.

What would you chose as a female ?