Steve Jobs Picture Photoshopped?

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The controversy of the day? Some people are claiming that TMZ ran a picture of Steve Jobs that was photoshopped to make him look sicker than he actually is. Who cares about that? The real concern here is that thing he is wearing and why is that guy holding him like that!?!?! :D
Either it's real and you have to question why TMZ felt it necessary to post a picture of somebody who's very sick, or it's fake and you have to question why people are ok with TMZ editting photos to make somebody who has a real illness look even worse than he really is.

BTW those that say it's photoshopped point to the fact the neck has a section missing (where it was detached, then reattached) so it's possible that's not his body at all.
looks like a sick old woman's body, judging from those hips and posture.
Here's the stupid part: No one reads TMZ so no one saw the picture...until the photoshop / fake controversy came out now it is everywhere. Good job on giving that TMZ picture an assload of publicity. :(
Unfortunately those of us that lost someone to cancer know this look all to well.

If this is shopped, then the someone is a sick bastard.
These celebrity bullshit websites always manage to sink to new lows. Congratulations, maybe people will like you now.
Stewie Griffin - "'s not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore."

The man has many wonderful accomplishments. But he's the most successful offender of non-competitive business practices. His despicable business practices set the bar so low that we're willing to accept far more drastic non-competitive practices than we did during Microsoft's era of shame.

As civilian's perception of these practices change, the likelihood our government will protect us from poor business practices on a macro scale evaporate. Federal government is the only power that can defend us from AT&T, Google, Verizon, Microsoft, Intel, etc. (The latter two are doing a fair job policing themselves these days, due solely to our government raking them over the coals.) And elected officials set the tone for what the people will tolerate.

In an ideal world, we'd vote with our dollars and police these companies ourselves. But that just never happens in the real world.
not funny. by now we all know the guy is battling cancer. Apple fanboyz should boycott tmz.
Who trusts TMZ anyway? Maybe if he had been more philanthropic there might be better treatments available.
TMZ better start giving out free Latte coupons or they are gonna have a revolt on their hands.

We are Hippies. Expect Us....
The entire "famous people" rumor-mill bullshit channels that dare even call themselves media should never be allowed to broadcast, period. TMZ leads this host of scum. This is a very poor photoshop, you can plainly see the crop line. As much as I detest Apple products, I think a man, or woman, battling a life threatening disease has the right to privacy and dignity. Poor taste across the board.
Unfortunately those of us that lost someone to cancer know this look all to well.

If this is shopped, then the someone is a sick bastard.

I completely agree. The fucker that loaded up PS to do this has no conscious at all if it is indeed shopped.
Stewie Griffin - "'s not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore."

The man has many wonderful accomplishments. But he's the most successful offender of non-competitive business practices. His despicable business practices set the bar so low that we're willing to accept far more drastic non-competitive practices than we did during Microsoft's era of shame.

As civilian's perception of these practices change, the likelihood our government will protect us from poor business practices on a macro scale evaporate. Federal government is the only power that can defend us from AT&T, Google, Verizon, Microsoft, Intel, etc. (The latter two are doing a fair job policing themselves these days, due solely to our government raking them over the coals.) And elected officials set the tone for what the people will tolerate.

In an ideal world, we'd vote with our dollars and police these companies ourselves. But that just never happens in the real world.

Quoted for damn truth. Steve Jobs has done as much for innovation as he has to stifle it. And looks at all the companies suing each other due to our broken and outdated patent system. Mobile phone companies are rolling out a new phone every 20 seconds it seems. Sure you can have Netflix and stream movies, but when they don't upgrade their infrastructure and instead lock your bandwidth because they can't handle it, how innovative is that? The whole situation is backasswards.

But yah, that picture looks fake.
Not aplogizing for TMZ or anyone else, but that IS what an end stage patient looks like with terminal cancer.
There is a probability that this is Mr. Jobs.
Dying from cancer isn't pretty.

I've had two family members die from pancreatic cancer, it's really rough.:(
Perhaps I'm missing something.. but does it look like he's wearing a skirt?
This nonsense and unfounded fear of Apple simply astonishes me. It really does.

Those that buy Apple do so because they want to. They aren't zombies that have been brainwashed. They like what they see, and they buy it. It's really that simple.

There are corporate citizens FAR FAR worse than Apple out there.

And no, I do not agree with everything he's done while at Apple, but it doesn't set fire to my belly like it seems to have done some.

The funny thing is, most of the hatred comes from people that aren't even Apple customers.


Stewie Griffin - "'s not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore."

The man has many wonderful accomplishments. But he's the most successful offender of non-competitive business practices. His despicable business practices set the bar so low that we're willing to accept far more drastic non-competitive practices than we did during Microsoft's era of shame.

As civilian's perception of these practices change, the likelihood our government will protect us from poor business practices on a macro scale evaporate. Federal government is the only power that can defend us from AT&T, Google, Verizon, Microsoft, Intel, etc. (The latter two are doing a fair job policing themselves these days, due solely to our government raking them over the coals.) And elected officials set the tone for what the people will tolerate.

In an ideal world, we'd vote with our dollars and police these companies ourselves. But that just never happens in the real world.
The controversy of the day? Some people are claiming that TMZ ran a picture of Steve Jobs that was photoshopped to make him look sicker than he actually is. Who cares about that? The real concern here is that thing he is wearing and why is that guy holding him like that!?!?! :D

I stopped coming to HardOCP months ago due to thoughtless comments like this (note, they weren't about Apple or Steve Jobs at the time). Decided to give the site another try this past week and I'm sad to see nothing has changed. I'm all for having humor tucked into my tech news, but you guys keep taking it too far.
Why is the moron who posted this making jokes about what he's wearing and the person assisting him? Is someone's body eating itself alive funny? Because in my experience it's really not.
I completely agree. The fucker that loaded up PS to do this has no conscious at all if it is indeed shopped.

if he did this he has some serious skills to be able to do this while in a vegetative state.... Anyway, i wouldn't go as far as to say this person has no conscience, but I would say that he must hate Stevey J pretty badly. There are far worse things that people can do than photo shop someone into looking sick. If he actually killed him, then maybe I could say he has no conscience
I stopped coming to HardOCP months ago due to thoughtless comments like this (note, they weren't about Apple or Steve Jobs at the time). Decided to give the site another try this past week and I'm sad to see nothing has changed. I'm all for having humor tucked into my tech news, but you guys keep taking it too far.
Here's the stupid part: No one reads TMZ so no one saw the picture...until the photoshop / fake controversy came out now it is everywhere. Good job on giving that TMZ picture an assload of publicity. :(

No one reads TMZ?!?! They get more traffic then the [H] does and they have a TV show that does well.

Its not my thing but millions of bored housewives love that shit. To say no one reads TMZ is pretty out of touch man.
No one reads TMZ?!?! They get more traffic then the [H] does and they have a TV show that does well.

Its not my thing but millions of bored housewives love that shit. To say no one reads TMZ is pretty out of touch man.

Indicative of how our culture has digressed into something eerily similar to Idiocracy. Ridiculous reality shows are what people want to watch to the point that good sci fi is almost gone.

How long before a movie like Ass is number one? Not many generations at the rate we are going it seems.
It looks like Steve is ready to return to his alien planet of Hyper BS in the Believa Anything Quadrant.
why is that guy holding him like that!?!?!

Because he dying and can't stand without support. The other guy is his friend/companion/caregiver.
This nonsense and unfounded fear of Apple simply astonishes me. It really does.

Those that buy Apple do so because they want to. They aren't zombies that have been brainwashed. They like what they see, and they buy it. It's really that simple.

There are corporate citizens FAR FAR worse than Apple out there.

And no, I do not agree with everything he's done while at Apple, but it doesn't set fire to my belly like it seems to have done some.

The funny thing is, most of the hatred comes from people that aren't even Apple customers.


Most of us that badmouth Apple do not do it out of any form of FEAR. We do it because we see how they treat their customers like idiots and rip them off as well, and we think it is appalling. We also see how many of their customers worship Apple as if it were a god and we find that disturbing.

Honestly, if Apple did just a few seemingly minor things differently a ton of us techies would be huge fans. But they continue to push form over substance, gouge on prices, and limit choice, options, and freedom whenever they can, and it is sad and unfortunate that they do so.
The TMZ show is very frustrating to watch for me. Its almost exactly like watching a real life version of a forum thread where someone does something and 20 people just sit around and say cynical shit about it, that really doesn't even matter in the first place.

Paparazzi's is a pretty pathetic career choice.
The only good thing about any of the Steve Jobs drama is that Apple will die with him. No other company in the world relied so much on a single individual as Apple did. Yes, they will release the iPhone 4932929321 at some point but innovation will be gone and others in the industry will take over.
Anyone else find it ironic that Apple, who LOVES to use Photoshop to bend a story/lawsuit there way, is having it used against them now?
No I don't find shopping a cancer victims photo to make them look worse ironic. Classless yes, and I dislike Apple as a company and all their sheep cult like followers.
putting a smiley at the end of the sentence is just plainly wrong OP.
I'm used to Steve being an anti-Apple bigot, and it's generally easy to dismiss his childish comments and insinuations. Taking a shot at a dying man and reposting that picture is going too far, and I sincerely hope that he is a better man IRL than he portrays on HardOCP. Shame on you, Steve Lynch.
Here's the stupid part: No one reads TMZ so no one saw the picture...until the photoshop / fake controversy came out now it is everywhere. Good job on giving that TMZ picture an assload of publicity. :(

TMZ gets more pageviews in an hour than this site gets in a month. Always has, always will.
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