Steve Jobs' 'Curious' Lack of Public Philanthropy

His money. Up to him.

I'd be happy if he sent some my way though.
Taxes are enacted by congress, not by presidents. A president may propose a tax but, ultimately, congress chooses to enact such legislation. If a tax cut is written with an expiration date and congress does nothing to renew said tax cut, does that really mean that the president is raising taxes?

I have links, too!

According to current Republicans:

If the expiration date is on a tax plan that goes primarily to the rich: it is a tax increase, and deficits don't matter, even $2 trillion more over a decade. (Bush tax cuts)

If the expiration date is on a tax plan that goes primarily to the poor and middle class: it isn't a tax increase if you just let it expire; deficits matter and we should look at the fiscal impact of the couple hundred billion dollars over a decade. (Obama social security tax cut)

Democrat, Lizard person, Republican, Independent: if you can't see the Orwellian bullshit present in having the same group of people, over the course of only 1 year, holding both of those points of view, I don't know how much clearer I can spell it out for you.
If you have $14,000,000,000 and don't do anything to help the less fortunate with it, you're evil.

If you have $14,000,000,000 and don't do anything to help the less fortunate with it PUBLICALLY, you're smart.
Your own link explains that is it in fact 55%.

Taxes are enacted by congress, not by presidents. A president may propose a tax but, ultimately, congress chooses to enact such legislation. If a tax cut is written with an expiration date and congress does nothing to renew said tax cut, does that really mean that the president is raising taxes?

I have links, too!
Anyways, the "death tax" of 55% is a fact and was put into place by Obama, in part, to pay for his healthcare plan....took effect the beginning of 2011. January 11th, 2011 to be exact.

That article states: "The Obama administration has proposed returning the estate tax to its 2009 level, with a $3.5 million exemption and a 45% rate on assets that exceed that amount. The House approved the administration's proposal last year, but Republican opponents blocked action in the Senate."

Are you reading the same article that you linked? It does not say at all what you say it does.
Your own link explains that is it in fact 55%.

What did you do, read only the text of the chain email that was debunked in that article?

On December 17, 2010, Obama signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. The text of the bill can be found here, on the Library of Congress site:

(Click on "Sec. 301. Reinstatement of estate tax; repeal of carryover basis".)

If that is too difficult for you to read, the summary is that the top estate tax rate for 2011 and 2012 is 35%, with exemptions of $5 million for individuals and $10 million for married couples.
Government has never been proven to work at creating jobs. Obama can pump 1 trillion into the economy and nothing will happen. Jobs doesn't need to give anyone anything. Its his money, it would be a smart thing though to give up his money once hes dead if he has no descendants.
If you have $14,000,000,000 and don't do anything to help the less fortunate with it, you're evil.

If you have $14,000,000,000 and don't do anything to help the less fortunate with it PUBLICALLY, you're smart.

You know, posts like this just piss me off.

You might be a bit of an uncaring asshole, but you certainly aren't evil. Just because someone doesn't feel the need to help others doesn't make them evil. Helping others isn't a requirement, it is a choice. If charity was required it wouldn't be called charity, it would be called socialism.
So true. And besides, we already have a certain degree of forced charity in our taxes for welfare and other handouts.
You know, posts like this just piss me off.

You might be a bit of an uncaring asshole, but you certainly aren't evil. Just because someone doesn't feel the need to help others doesn't make them evil. Helping others isn't a requirement, it is a choice. If charity was required it wouldn't be called charity, it would be called socialism.

Evil is a relative term since it is defined by each person. Also, nobody is required to do anything. You don't even have to pay your taxes. However, there are consequences for doing so as with any action (or inaction).
His money; his choices. Don't care what he does with his own money. It's nobody's business but his own.

Unless you choose the judge him as a person, then it is important what he does with his wealth. The final judgement cannot be made until after he is dead and we see where his fortune goes.
Unless you choose the judge him as a person, then it is important what he does with his wealth. The final judgement cannot be made until after he is dead and we see where his fortune goes.

Who has the right to judge him? It's not like he has any direct influence on you.
Who has the right to judge him? It's not like he has any direct influence on you.

I was next in line for a transplant...until one day this Jobs fellow comes along and suddenly skips ahead of me. Now I'm gonna die.

Not sure if Jobs had anything to do with that, though.
Even if he did buy his way onto a donors list - anybody here really want to say with a straight face that if you were facing death, you wouldnt try to buy your way onto a donors list??

God I cant believe Ive defended Jobs in 2 straight posts now. I fell so dirty.

Lot's of unethical things are done out of's not really a justification.
To get back on topic- Is anyone surprised that Jobs doesn't donate to any charities?

Look how he runs Apple- Overpriced fluff made in Chinese sweatshops controlled by a company the
will come knocking on your door and raid your place without a warrent if they even suspect you have "apple secrets"

Not surprised in the least.
To get back on topic- Is anyone surprised that Jobs doesn't donate to any charities?

Look how he runs Apple- Overpriced fluff made in Chinese sweatshops controlled by a company the
will come knocking on your door and raid your place without a warrent if they even suspect you have "apple secrets"

Not surprised in the least.

If you're going back "on topic" as you say, you would have read the article in said topic and see that he has indeed donated in the past.

Seems you're also guilty of derailing a thread in the name of anti-Apple-ism.
If you're going back "on topic" as you say, you would have read the article in said topic and see that he has indeed donated in the past.

Seems you're also guilty of derailing a thread in the name of anti-Apple-ism.

1) I did read the article which states- "he has "steadfastly" refused to donate money to worthy causes, and even stopped all of Apple's philanthropy programs"

2) Also from the article- "he has certainly contributed to society with his technological innovations. " ehh, thats called making a product people will buy.

3) The RED program gives a percentage of sales profit towards HIV and AIDS programs, which works out pretty well for apple. They sell more volume and get to hang a RED plaque on the apple wall.

My "anti-apple-ism" is based on fact- The company sells overpriced proprietary hardware, slickly marketed, made in chinese sweatshops.

Apples reputation is legion when it comes to suing anyone and everyone in an attempt to control the flow of information and hardware pertaining to apple.

These are facts beyond dispute, fanboy.