Steam login information.


Limp Gawd
Jul 18, 2004
Does anybody know where the steam login information is stored at on the computer? Im trying to transfer my hl2 account to a computer that does not have internet access. any help would be great.
the computer has to have interent acess, you need to download it then install it the offline version
on one of my computers i already have hl2 and all that installed and it work offline. im trying to transfer it to another computer, which is also mine. but in my current location i dont have internet access that can access steams servers. so im rying to find where the login information is stored so i can transfer it to the other computer.
Special.K said:
i downloaded mine directly from steam, so i dont have the install disk.

I've done this but I kind of did it the "ghetto" way. I just copied all of steam and placed it on the PC that had no internet. Fortunately it worked and it allowed games to be played on it. I wouldn't recommend you do it that way though, hence the ghettoness. However, if you try it just make sure you placing STEAM back in the same location from where it originated from.
There is a nifty backup option in the "my games tab" just right click on say for example HL2. Right click HL2 and highlight make backup, then burn it on a DVD and presto’ home made disk.
mooooooon said:
There is a nifty backup option in the "my games tab" just right click on say for example HL2. Right click HL2 and highlight make backup, then burn it on a DVD and presto’ home made disk.

But you still need steam installed, and if he doesn't have it installed on the PC without internet the backup option will do nothing for him. Or does that backup steam as well?
already tried the back up option. it didnt save the information. i also tried copying the whole folder directly but still didnt work. did you copy any of the regisrty keys over?
hmm i copyed the keys over, ill delete them and try again. i can connect the the internet with it, its just behind a firewall from hell and blocks steam and alot of other stuff. so basically im stuck with copying it over ghetto style.